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Data logging exceed available memory

32 views (last 30 days)
Virat Hardasbhai
Virat Hardasbhai on 2 Jan 2024
I have run one simulation model for a long time of 86400 seconds but I got this (attached image) error. How can I solve this error?

Answers (1)

Dinesh on 3 Jan 2024
Hi Virat,
The error indicates that the simulation is trying to log more data than your system's memory can accommodate. To solve this, you can either reduce the amount of data being logged or increase the available memory. For reducing data logging, consider logging only essential signals or use decimation to log data at a lower rate. Another approach is to break the simulation into smaller time segments and log data incrementally.
If the issue persists, consider increasing your system's physical memory or adjust MATLAB's memory settings to allocate more memory for the simulation. The following links will help you:


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