How does fsrftest calculate the p-value?
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I am trying to understand how the fsrftest works in MATLAB. From the documentation, I understand that it uses an F-Test to test a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Subsequently the p-value is used to determine the importance of the feature. From my understanding the p-value is also not compared with a significance level and as such this function does not actually reject/accept either hypothesis but rather just uses the p-value to rank features.
My question is regarding how is the p-value calculated? Is the process the same as ANOVA?
Accepted Answer
Ive J
on 8 Jan 2024
Edited: Ive J
on 8 Jan 2024
At the end of doc you can see it uses -log(p) to rank features, so there is no significance level here. And yes, it's same as ANOVA (to be precise, it's a GLM), note that NumBins argument is used to bin continuous features.
n = 100; % sample size
data = table;
data.BMI = randi([18, 50], n, 1);
% bin BMI into two categories
med_bmi = median(data.BMI);
idx = data.BMI > med_bmi;
data.BMI(idx) = 1;
data.BMI(~idx) = 0;
data.Sex = randi([0, 1], n, 1);
data.Target = randn(n, 1);
mdl_bmi = fitlm(data(:, ["BMI", "Target"]))
mdl_sex = fitlm(data(:, ["Sex", "Target"]))
[~, sc] = fsrftest(data, "Target", "NumBins", 2);
p = exp(-sc)
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