my bad.. this is the solution:
dataIQR = data( data > q(1) & data < q(3) );
and the vertical lines related to the quartiles need to be replaced by this command:
xline([q(1) q(2) q(3)],'-r',{'Q1','Q2','Q3'},'linewidth',1)
This is a correct example:
% generate distribution
samplesize = 100000;
a = 1;
b = 8;
data = gamrnd(a,repmat(b,samplesize,1));
% statistics
m = mean(data);
s = std(data);
data1sigma = data((data < (m+s)) & (data > (m-s)));
percentage_data_1sigma = length(data1sigma)/length(data)*100
percentage_data_1sigma = 86.3970
q = quantile(data,[0.25 0.5 0.75]);
dataIQR = data( data > q(1) & data < q(3) );
percentage_data_IQR = length(dataIQR)/length(data)*100
percentage_data_IQR = 50
% plot
hold on
h = histogram(data);
xline([m-s m m+s],'-k',{'-1 Standard Dev.','Mean','+1 Standard Dev.'},'linewidth',1)
xline([q(1) q(2) q(3)],'-r',{'Q1','Q2','Q3'},'linewidth',1)