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How to simulate a signal with a slow (sinusoidal) drift as experimental input for an app?

7 views (last 30 days)
I am currently experimenting with an app in which I want to create a function that can stabilize a drifting laser input.
However, if the function doesn't work properly it could damage the laser itself. So as to prevent this from happening, I want to generate some sort of input signal that kind of imitates a laser's frequency. But how do I generate a signal with a bit of noise and a slow drift?
The eventual goal is that that signal is used as input and that my function checks every ~5 seconds whether it is within my threshold input from a given 'stabilization value' and either lowers or increases the laser's input to prevent the drift from going too far of the preferred value.
Ben van Zon
Ben van Zon on 10 Nov 2023
Oh sorry. In general I would require an input that is in the range of 64455378 MHz which has a slight noise of 10 MHz and it has a slow sinusoidal drift with a maximum amplitude of 30 MHz.
The odd number is because I will later change it to another unit that is easier to work with, which emulates the app I intend to make.
Now the question is, how do I make this signal and use it as an input for a matlab app?

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Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 10 Nov 2023
hello again
this would be my suggestion
now , we are looking at very high frequencies so I wonder what signal duration you are targeting; you may reach the memory limit very rapidely
% demo
% input that is in the range of 64455378 MHz
f_signal = 64455378*1e6; % mean freq (Hz)
% slow sinusoidal drift with a maximum amplitude of 30 MHz.
f1_amplitude = 30*1e6; % frequency amplitude
f1_mod = 1; % frequency of modulation
% add a slight noise of 10 MHz (random)
f2_amplitude = 10*1e6; % frequency amplitude
%% main code
Fs = f_signal*5; % sampling frequency
duration = 1e-12; % seconds
dt = 1/Fs;
samples = floor(duration*Fs)+1;
t = (0:dt:(samples-1)*dt);
omega = 2*pi*(f_signal+f1_amplitude.*sin(2*pi*f1_mod.*t + 2*f2_amplitude.*(rand(1,samples)-0.5)));
angle_increment = omega.*dt;
angle = cumtrapz(angle_increment); % angle is the time integral of omega.
signal = sin(angle);

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