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Join tables based on times that are within 3 hours of each other

3 views (last 30 days)
I have two tables that should be joined based on matching id values, but I would only like to join those values which have data collected within three hours of each other.
The joined table AB does not ned to be in that specific order or format, it is only an example. It just needs to contain the correct dataA and dataB which match both the id and the condition that the time is within 3 hours of each other.
A = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "BBB"; "CCC"; "CCC"; "CCC"], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 10:55:19'); datetime('2023-07-28 09:31:00'); datetime('2023-07-28 14:02:11');
datetime('2023-01-23 17:35:24'); datetime('2023-01-23 17:31:48'); datetime('2023-02-12 03:10:11')], ...
[9999; 12; 34; 1111; 2222; 3333], ...
'VariableNames', {'idA', 'dateA', 'dataA'});
B = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "CCC"; "DDD"], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 09:30:05'); datetime('2023-07-28 12:43:36'); datetime('2023-02-12 02:34:17');...
datetime('2023-09-29 05:00:00')], ...
["Red"; "White"; "Green"; "Orange"], ...
'VariableNames', {'idB', 'dateB' 'dataB'});
AB = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "CCC"], ......
[datetime('2023-07-07 10:55:19'); datetime('2023-07-28 14:02:11'); datetime('2023-02-12 03:10:11')], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 09:30:05'); datetime('2023-07-28 12:43:36'); datetime('2023-02-12 02:34:17')], ...
["Red"; "White"; "Green"], ...
[9999; 34 ; 3333],...
'VariableNames', { 'idAB', 'dateA', 'dateB','dataB','dataA' });
A = 6×3 table
idA dateA dataA _____ ____________________ _____ "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 10:55:19 9999 "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 09:31:00 12 "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 14:02:11 34 "CCC" 23-Jan-2023 17:35:24 1111 "CCC" 23-Jan-2023 17:31:48 2222 "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 03:10:11 3333
B = 4×3 table
idB dateB dataB _____ ____________________ ________ "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 09:30:05 "Red" "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 12:43:36 "White" "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 02:34:17 "Green" "DDD" 29-Sep-2023 05:00:00 "Orange"
AB = 3×5 table
idAB dateA dateB dataB dataA _____ ____________________ ____________________ _______ _____ "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 10:55:19 07-Jul-2023 09:30:05 "Red" 9999 "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 14:02:11 28-Jul-2023 12:43:36 "White" 34 "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 03:10:11 12-Feb-2023 02:34:17 "Green" 3333
Marcus Glover
Marcus Glover on 16 Oct 2023
There will only be one row in B with that unique timestamp and ID combination.

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Accepted Answer

J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee on 16 Oct 2023
Edited: J. Alex Lee on 16 Oct 2023
This may be one such "optimization", though i have no idea if it is faster, but it maybe is less "brute force"?
A = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "BBB"; "CCC"; "CCC"; "CCC"], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 10:55:19'); datetime('2023-07-28 09:31:00'); datetime('2023-07-28 14:02:11');
datetime('2023-01-23 17:35:24'); datetime('2023-01-23 17:31:48'); datetime('2023-02-12 03:10:11')], ...
[9999; 12; 34; 1111; 2222; 3333], ...
'VariableNames', {'idA', 'dateA', 'dataA'});
% B = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "CCC"; "DDD"], ...
% [datetime('2023-07-07 09:30:05'); datetime('2023-07-28 12:43:36'); datetime('2023-02-12 02:34:17');...
% datetime('2023-09-29 05:00:00')], ...
% ["Red"; "White"; "Green"; "Orange"], ...
% 'VariableNames', {'idB', 'dateB' 'dataB'});
B = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "BBB";"CCC"; "DDD"], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 09:30:05'); datetime('2023-07-28 12:43:36'); datetime('2023-07-28 20:34:17');...
datetime('2023-02-12 02:34:17'); datetime('2023-09-29 05:00:00')], ...
["Red"; "White"; "Black"; "Green"; "Orange"], ...
'VariableNames', {'idB', 'dateB', 'dataB'});
AB = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "CCC"], ......
[datetime('2023-07-07 10:55:19'); datetime('2023-07-28 14:02:11'); datetime('2023-02-12 03:10:11')], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 09:30:05'); datetime('2023-07-28 12:43:36'); datetime('2023-02-12 02:34:17')], ...
["Red"; "White"; "Green"], ...
[9999; 34 ; 3333],...
'VariableNames', { 'idAB', 'dateA', 'dateB','dataB','dataA' });
%% work with timetables so you can use things like retime
TA = sortrows(table2timetable(A,"RowTimes",A.dateA));
TB = sortrows(table2timetable(B,"RowTimes",B.dateB));
% break up into id's to reduce logic needed for meeting both conditions
idList = intersect(TA.idA,TB.idB);
% pre-allocate for joined tables by ID
TAB = cell(numel(idList),1);
% iterate through id's
for k = 1:numel(idList)
subA = TA(TA.idA==idList(k),:);
subB = TB(TB.idB==idList(k),:);
% retime to the table with fewer entries
% otherwise I think you duplicate entries and have to trim later
if height(subA) < height(subB)
src = subA;
tgt = subB;
src = subB;
tgt = subA;
% retime the target table to the timestamps of the source table
tgtR = retime(tgt,src.Time,"nearest");
% join the tables using built-in
tmp = innerjoin(src,tgtR);
% discriminate based on difference between times
% this is already the closest match there is
% if there are multiple matches within 3 hrs they will be already discounted
isFar = abs(tmp.dateB-tmp.dateA) > duration(3,0,0);
% remove entries without matches within 3 hours
tmp(isFar,:) = [];
% save the merged table (for a single id)
TAB{k} = tmp;
AB_2 = timetable2table(vertcat(TAB{:}))
AB_2 = 3×7 table
Time idB dateB dataB idA dateA dataA ____________________ _____ ____________________ _______ _____ ____________________ _____ 07-Jul-2023 09:30:05 "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 09:30:05 "Red" "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 10:55:19 9999 28-Jul-2023 12:43:36 "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 12:43:36 "White" "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 14:02:11 34 12-Feb-2023 02:34:17 "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 02:34:17 "Green" "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 03:10:11 3333
dpb on 16 Oct 2023
Edited: dpb on 17 Oct 2023
Probably "not so much" if either A or B isn't known a priori to be the dominant one to match against, but if it doesn't matter, then picking either A or B for the list of IDs is ok; since there has to be one in each to match, if you get the odd one(s) in the list you parse or not doesn't matter; the list of which are in both has to be complete regardless of which list you use.
I didn't read his solution closely enough to follow the need for retime, anyway; since the time difference between the two is the selection criterion, it doesn't matter which is the reference, it would simply change the sign of the difference depending on which is compared to which and it was not specified the time difference was signed.
One (I assumed probably minor) optimization in mine would be to get the unique list that isn't in both and iterate over it instead of just picking the one list and working down its members one-by-one as I did. I started on that path and then went the straight list route as I read the initial follow on comment of there being only the one unique time as meaning there was only one--hence the issue with duplicates had to fix later...
J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee on 16 Oct 2023
Retime is my way of finding nearest timestamp, mistakenly thought it would be faster than manually searching for each row...oops ;)

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More Answers (1)

dpb on 16 Oct 2023
Edited: dpb on 16 Oct 2023
A = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "BBB"; "CCC"; "CCC"; "CCC"], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 10:55:19'); datetime('2023-07-28 09:31:00'); datetime('2023-07-28 14:02:11');
datetime('2023-01-23 17:35:24'); datetime('2023-01-23 17:31:48'); datetime('2023-02-12 03:10:11')], ...
[9999; 12; 34; 1111; 2222; 3333], ...
'VariableNames', {'idA', 'dateA', 'dataA'});
B = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "BBB";"CCC"; "DDD"], ...
[datetime('2023-07-07 09:30:05'); datetime('2023-07-28 12:43:36'); datetime('2023-07-28 20:34:17');...
datetime('2023-02-12 02:34:17'); datetime('2023-09-29 05:00:00')], ...
["Red"; "White"; "Black"; "Green"; "Orange"], ...
'VariableNames', {'idB', 'dateB', 'dataB'});
A = 6×3 table
idA dateA dataA _____ ____________________ _____ "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 10:55:19 9999 "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 09:31:00 12 "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 14:02:11 34 "CCC" 23-Jan-2023 17:35:24 1111 "CCC" 23-Jan-2023 17:31:48 2222 "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 03:10:11 3333
B = 5×3 table
idB dateB dataB _____ ____________________ ________ "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 09:30:05 "Red" "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 12:43:36 "White" "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 20:34:17 "Black" "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 02:34:17 "Green" "DDD" 29-Sep-2023 05:00:00 "Orange"
for i=1:height(A)
if any(ixU)
for j=1:numel(ixU)
if ~ixU(j), continue, end
%[i j], [A.dateA(i),B.dateB(j)]
if any(ixB)
AB = 3×6 table
idAB DateA DateB DateDiff DataA DataB _____ ____________________ ____________________ ________ _____ _______ "AAA" 07-Jul-2023 10:55:19 07-Jul-2023 09:30:05 01:25:14 9999 "Red" "BBB" 28-Jul-2023 14:02:11 28-Jul-2023 12:43:36 01:18:35 34 "White" "CCC" 12-Feb-2023 03:10:11 12-Feb-2023 02:34:17 00:35:54 3333 "Green"
Above is brute force; depends upon how large the real tables are as to how much optimization might be called for. If numel(ixB) can be > 1 in the wild, then the subsequent assignment needs must be in another loop, of course.
Marcus Glover
Marcus Glover on 18 Oct 2023
I was wondering about that too, but I'm no expert at the profiler. My guess was that it was referringto the ixU=(B.idB==A.idA(i)) line also. You weren't explicitly converting categoricals either.
dpb on 18 Oct 2023
I guess it is, it is a matching of element within an array which is what ismember does. Have to think about any alternative syntax that could possibly be more efficient.
The conversion to categorical ought to be done initially to the overall tables; that shouldn't take long
>> B=repmat(B,round(10000/height(B)),1);
>> whos B
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
B 10000x3 1161609 table
>> tic;B=convertvars(B,{'idB','dataB'},'categorical');toc
Elapsed time is 0.015839 seconds.
Remember then to change the variable type in the empty table to match so there's not a conversion to/from during the working loop. From
AB=table('Size',[max(height(A),height(B)),numel(VariableNames)], ...
'VariableTypes',{'string','datetime','datetime','duration','double','string'}, ...
AB=table('Size',[max(height(A),height(B)),numel(VariableNames)], ...
'VariableTypes',{'categorical','datetime','datetime','duration','double','categorical'}, ...

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