who_region iso3 country_name city year version pm10_concentration pm25_concentration no2_concentration pm10_tempcov pm25_tempcov no2_tempcov type_of_stations reference web_link population population_source latitude longitude who_ms
__________ _______ ____________ _____________ ____ ______________________________ __________________ __________________ _________________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________ ________ _________ ______
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Chennai' } 2018 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'30' } NaN {'NA'} {'91'} NaN {'NA' } {'U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'https://www.airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary' } {'9890427' } {'NA'} 13.088 80.278 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Solapur' } 2016 {'version 2022, version 2018'} {'NA'} {'39' } NaN {'NA'} {'99'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, CPCB' } {'NA' } {'985568' } {'NA'} 17.66 75.906 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Chennai' } 2019 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'39' } NaN {'NA'} {'85'} NaN {'NA' } {'U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'[[["EPA AirNow DOS","http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary"]]]' } {'9890427' } {'NA'} 13.088 80.278 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Hyderabad'} 2019 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'42' } NaN {'NA'} {'87'} NaN {'NA' } {'U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'[[["EPA AirNow DOS","http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary"]]]' } {'8943523' } {'NA'} 17.384 78.456 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Pune' } 2017 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'43' } NaN {'NA'} {'NA'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank' } {'http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM/' } {'5727530' } {'NA'} 18.505 73.824 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Mumbai' } 2019 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'43' } NaN {'NA'} {'90'} NaN {'NA' } {'U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'[[["EPA AirNow DOS","http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary"]]]' } {'21042538'} {'NA'} 19.073 72.883 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Chennai' } 2017 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'48' } NaN {'NA'} {'76'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.'} {'[[["Central Pollution Control Board","http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM"]]], http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM/, https://www.airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary'} {'9890427' } {'NA'} 13.077 80.248 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Panchkula'} 2017 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'52' } NaN {'NA'} {'61'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.'} {'[[["Central Pollution Control Board","http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM"]]], http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM/' } {'211355' } {'NA'} 30.7 76.857 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Panchkula'} 2016 {'version 2022, version 2018'} {'NA'} {'54' } NaN {'NA'} {'85'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, CPCB' } {'http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM/' } {'211355' } {'NA'} 30.702 76.856 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Hyderabad'} 2018 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'59' } NaN {'NA'} {'97'} NaN {'NA' } {'U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'https://www.airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary' } {'8943523' } {'NA'} 17.384 78.456 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Ahmedabad'} 2015 {'version 2022, version 2018'} {'NA'} {'65' } NaN {'NA'} {'53'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, CPCB' } {'NA' } {'7342850' } {'NA'} 22.996 72.6 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Kolkata' } 2019 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'68' } NaN {'NA'} {'83'} NaN {'NA' } {'U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'[[["EPA AirNow DOS","http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary"]]]' } {'14864919'} {'NA'} 22.563 88.363 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Kolkata' } 2016 {'version 2022, version 2018'} {'NA'} {'77' } NaN {'NA'} {'92'} NaN {'2 Urban'} {'AirNow DOS, U.S. Department of State, United States Environmental Protection Agency.' } {'https://www.airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.global_summary' } {'14864919'} {'NA'} 22.555 88.355 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Jodhpur' } 2017 {'version 2022' } {'NA'} {'83' } NaN {'NA'} {'NA'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank' } {'http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM/' } {'1284142' } {'NA'} 26.473 74.641 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Jodhpur' } 2016 {'version 2022, version 2018'} {'NA'} {'97' } NaN {'NA'} {'78'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, CPCB' } {'http://www.cpcb.gov.in/CAAQM/' } {'1284142' } {'NA'} 26.352 73.572 1
{'3_Sear'} {'IND'} {'India'} {'Jaipur' } 2016 {'version 2022, version 2018'} {'NA'} {'105'} NaN {'NA'} {'73'} NaN {'NA' } {'Central Pollution Control Board India, Environmental Data Bank, CPCB' } {'NA' } {'3460701' } {'NA'} 26.974 75.774 1