Optimization in a for loop

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Andrea Costantino
Andrea Costantino on 4 Oct 2023
Edited: Matt J on 4 Oct 2023
I have the following code which is a simiplification of a more complex one. The code contains an optimization problem (prob) that finds the optimum values of U1 and U2 to minimize the Root-Mean-Square-Error (prob.Objective) between the simulated (Heat_flow) and measured (M) data. As you can see, the code works and actually finds the optimum solutions. However, those solutions vary for each iteration of the loop.
What I would like to do, is to have only two optimum solutions (for U1 and U2, respectively) that do not vary at each iteration. I tried to introduce a constraint (prob.Constraints.U1=eq(U1,U1(1))), but the solver finds a solution for the first iteration and then applies it to the following ones.
How can I do it?
Thank you!
%Input data (outdoor temperature and areas)
T_out=[18 16 14 15 19 14 17];
%Measured data
M=[79 84 64 76 86 56 76]';
%Definition of the optimization problem
%Definition of the optimization variables (U-values)
U1 = optimvar('U1',7,1,"LowerBound",0);
U2 = optimvar('U2',7,1,"LowerBound",0);
%Calculation of the heat transfer coefficient
%Loop for perfoming the calculation for each measurement
for i=1:max(size(T_out))
%Definition of the objective function (minimization of RMSE)
%Definition of the initial guess (not a linear problem)
initialGuess.U1 = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
initialGuess.U2 = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
%Solution of the problem
Matt J
Matt J on 4 Oct 2023
It would be advisable to reformulate your objective in purely quadratic form. Then, more specialized solvers like lsqlin can be used.
prob.Objective= sum( (M-Heat_flow).^2 ); %equivalent to what you had before.
Andrea Costantino
Andrea Costantino on 4 Oct 2023
Yes, solve() is called once, but the optimization variables are 7x1. I had to define them as 7x1 because 7 iterations are present. To create Heat_flow in the for loop, a new optimization expression has to be created in each iteration since it is written as a symbolic expression.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 4 Oct 2023
Edited: Matt J on 4 Oct 2023
Perhaps this is what you wanted. If so, it is a rather ill-posed problem, because your C matrix is only rank 1.
%Input data (outdoor temperature and areas)
T_out=[18 16 14 15 19 14 17];
%Measured data
M=[79 84 64 76 86 56 76]';
%Definition of the optimization problem
%Definition of the optimization variables (U-values)
U = optimvar('U',2,1,"LowerBound",0);
%Definition of the objective function (minimization of RMSE)
%Solution of the problem
Solving problem using lsqlin. Minimum found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance, and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
sol = struct with fields:
U: [2×1 double]
opt = 1.1953e-22
Andrea Costantino
Andrea Costantino on 4 Oct 2023
Thank you Matt J!
I understand the process. Basically, you skip the loop by using vectors operation. Unfortunately, in my real code I cannot do it because each iteration represents a step and the elements of the vector are computated from the previous iteration.
Matt J
Matt J on 4 Oct 2023
Edited: Matt J on 4 Oct 2023
That's irrelevant. Each row C(i,:) represents the coefficients for a particular step. I could have used a loop to create C in a way that depends in some way on previous steps, e.g.,
C=nan( numel(T_out), 2);
for i=1:height(C)
if i>1
C(i,:)=C(i,:) + C(i-1,:);

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