A2L files are generated when external mode,A2LThere is no interface information in the file,xcpCh()fail

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I was using the external mode, ran the model, the model is very simple, the generated .exe file is run on the local computer, select the xcp/TCP communication mode, and it runs normally.An A2L file was generated for this model!
But when I use XCP communication, using xcpChannel() is fine, and connect() is getting an error.
I refer to an example of XCP communicationhttps://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/vnt/ug/calibrate-xcp-characteristics.html?searchHighlight=calibration%20XCP&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_1_calibration%20XCP; By comparing the A2L file, I found that the interface address information in my file is missing.
How can I get the A2L file that my model can use? Or get a model of the case and then generate a usable A2L file?

Answers (1)

Shuba Nandini
Shuba Nandini on 6 Sep 2023
Edited: Shuba Nandini on 8 Sep 2023
It is my understanding that you are trying to connect to xcpChannelwhile using external mode.
According to the screenshot, it seems that the A2L file is missing the IP address. You can confirm this by directly opening the A2L file in MATLAB editor, and look for "/begin XCP_ON_TCP_IP", you can see the 'Address' provided in the A2L file:
After confirming this, you can open the Simulink model which is used to generate the .exe application and the A2L file and open model configuration >> "Code Generation" >> "Interface". You can view the transport layer information and Address in the External mode configuration:
Make sure to fill in the IP address and port in the correct format.
Please refer to the "MEX-File Optional Arguments for TCP/IP Transport" section on how to fill in the "MEX-file arguments" field: External Mode Simulation with TCP/IP or Serial Communication - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks India
Hope this helps!
Shuba Nandini


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