Map data from a conical surface in an image to a rectangle in x-theta coordinates.
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Hi all,
I have 3 images taken from different azumithal angles: top (0 deg), side (90 deg), and bottom (180 deg) (see attached). I'm writing a script to average the images over time, crop the cones out of each image, "unwrap them" to get them in a rectangular shape, and then stitch them together to get a compositie image on all sides. So far, I'm able to:
- Import the series of images, average them over time to get a mean image from the top, bottom, and side cameras.
- Crop the cone from the image
- Use edge detection to get x-y coordinates from the cropped cone
What I need help with most is the "unwrapping" part to covert the image's cartesian coordinates in x-y to x-theta.
Below my code so far.
% Oil Flow Analysis Code
clc; clear; close all;
oil = 'D:\PSWT Data_June 2023\Oil Flow\';
%% Add file paths
top = [oil 'TopCam']; % top images
bottom = [oil 'BotCam']; % bottom images
side = [oil 'SouthCam']; % side on images
%% Set default parameters
fps = 1000; % fps
Pref = 14.7; % reference wind-off pressure (psi)
runn = 'Run6499';
%% Load image sets
% Load images
top_i = imageDatastore([top '\' runn '\*.tif']);
bot_i = imageDatastore([bottom '\' runn '\*.tif']);
side_i = imageDatastore([side '\' runn '\*.tif']);
% Load color lists
top_color = [top '\' runn '\' runn '_color.lst'];
bot_color = [bottom '\' runn '\' runn '_color.lst'];
side_color = [side '\' runn '\' runn '_color.lst'];
% Get number of frames for top, bottom, and side images
n_top = numel(top_i.Files);
n_bot = numel(bot_i.Files);
n_side = numel(side_i.Files);
%%% Import image matrices %%%
% Load top image matrices
for i = 1:n_top
[im_top{i}] = imread(string(top_i.Files(i)));
% Load bottom image matrices
for i = 1:n_bot
im_bot{i} = imread(string(bot_i.Files(i)));
% Load side image matrices
for i = 1:n_side
im_side{i} = imread(string(side_i.Files(i)));
%% Get mean image and covert to 16-bit
% Average image matrices over last 100 frames when oil flow is steady
top_m = mean(cat(3,im_top{end-100:end}),3);
bot_m = mean(cat(3,im_bot{end-100:end}),3);
side_m = mean(cat(3,im_side{end-100:end}),3);
% Covert to 16-bit
top_m = uint16(top_m);
bot_m = uint16(bot_m);
sid_m = uint16(side_m);
%% Crop cone
num_edges = 5; % num of edges of polygon
% Acquire edge locations
figure, imshow(top_m,[0 14000])
edge_locs = ginput(num_edges); % Select edges for mask
xi = edge_locs(:,1); % x-coordinate locations
yi = edge_locs(:,2); % y-coordinate locations
BW_top = roipoly(top_m,xi,yi);
top_crop = uint16(BW_top);
%% Edge detection
% Get coordinates for edges
endPointsImage = bwmorph(top_crop, 'endpoints');
[rows, columns] = find(endPointsImage);
% Check to see if coordinates make sense
Answers (1)
on 7 Sep 2023
According to my understanding you want to use the 3 projections (top, left, and side) to construct a composite image. You could check out the warp() function to apply geometric transformations to an image and stich them later on:
To convert x-y coordinates of the image to polar coordinates, you could use the cart2pol() function:
See Also
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