Update variables by simulink conditional statement

9 views (last 30 days)
U1 is yellow and u2 is blue
According to the if condition statement, when u1=100u2=0, the true interval is 10 to 50 seconds.
However, looking at the final result value(upper picture is the final one), it is converted to 1 from 10 seconds to the end.
That's my guess.
1. If conditional statement is wrong.
2. "Once" if statement is true at 10 seconds, the value is not updated and is "continued" 1.
I think number 2 is the most likely one
Is there a way to keep updating input values so that the result values are exported 1 value for 10-50 seconds only?

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 18 Aug 2023
Inside the If Action subsystem, double click the Outport block, there is an option for "Output when disabled", choose "reset" instead of "held".
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 18 Aug 2023
Then specify the initial value at the same dialog window

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