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set, group in matlab

4 views (last 30 days)
mingcheng nie
mingcheng nie on 18 Aug 2023
Answered: Ramtej on 28 Aug 2023
Hi there,
I want to generate more than 10^4 times of following variables: A and B are 2D complex matrix from some distribution, C is 3D compelx matrix, where each layer of C is generated from some distribution. I am wondering if there a 'set' or 'group' function that can contain all those 10^4 times of A, B, and C? I can create 3D matrix for A and B to store 10^4 times generations, but I dont want to create a 4D matrix for matrix seems inconvenient to access the datas store in them.

Answers (1)

Ramtej on 28 Aug 2023
Hi mingcheng,
I understand you are trying to generate large number of instances of a variable and store them using a set or group function.
Unfortunately, in MATLAB there is no specific built-in data structure for sets and groups.
However, you can use Cell array for grouping the data to create and access the data conveniently.
Documentation for cell array: searchHighlight=cell&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_1_cell
% Example
numInstances = 10^4;
final_C = cell(numInstances, 1);
for itr = 1:numInstances
final_C{itr} = A; % each instance is stored in a separate cell element
% you can access the data for each instance of C conveniently without the need for a 4D matrix for C.
reqAns = final_C{n}(i,j,k); % to access (i,j,k)th element of nth instance.
Hope this helps!





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