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please complete the time series code

1 view (last 30 days)
mks on 14 Aug 2023
Closed: John D'Errico on 14 Aug 2023
clear all;
n = 10;
x=accumarray([2 3 n-1 n]',1);
B = toeplitz(x,x);
% G=graph(B);
% plot(G)
% Parameters
% matrixSize = 10; % Size of the matrix
numEdgesToRewire = 2; % Number of edges to rewire
% Create an initial matrix
% Y = B;
% Randomly select two edges to rewire
edgesToRewire = randperm(matrixSize, numEdgesToRewire);
% Iterate through the edges to rewire
for i = 1:numEdgesToRewire
node1 = edgesToRewire(i);
node2 = randi([1, matrixSize]);
while node2 == node1 || B(node1, node2) == 1
node2 = randi([1, matrixSize]);
B(node1, node2) = 1;
B(node2, node1) = 1;
theta = 0.3;
dh = 2^-9;
dp = 2^-7;
phi = 3;
ita = 1;
y1 = [x(1); x(3); x(5); x(7); x(9); x(11); x(13); x(15); x(17); x(19)];
y2 = [x(2); x(4); x(6); x(8); x(10); x(12); x(14); x(16); x(18); x(20)];
x0 = rand(1,20);
i = 1;
f = [];
function xprime = kau(t, x, B)
nn = length(x);
while i <= nn
f = [f; x(2*i-1)*(1 - theta*x(2*i-1)) - x(2*i) - (x(2*i-1)*x(2*i)) / (1 + x(2*i)) + dh*B*y1; ...
(phi*x(2*i-1)*x(2*i)) / (1 + x(2*i)) - ita*x(2*i) + dp*B*y2];
i = i + 1;
xprime = f;
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) kau(t, x, B), tspan, x0);
for i = 1:20
plot(t, x(:, i), 'LineWidth', 2);
  1 Comment
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 14 Aug 2023
Moved: John D'Errico on 14 Aug 2023
It looks complete to me. What do we see? We see uncommented, virtually undocumented code, that does something we are not told about, solving some unspecified problem. The few comments in there are not pertinent to anything, since they tell us nothing about what the code should do, or even why those lines of code were written. As such, it is as perfectly complete as it can possibly be. Maybe your goal is to have a code that fails, in some inscrutable way? Looks perfect.
The point being, CAREFULLY explain what it should do. Explain what you did not do, and where is the failure. If you want help, that is.

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