MATLAB coder error while using 'rospublisher'
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I'm facing the error while using MATLAB coder. The error shows 'Value cannot be displayed because the output of 'coder.ceval' does not have a known type. To display the output, first assign the result to a variable of known type.' , and the error was due to
pub = rospublisher("/path", "geometry_msgs/Point", "DataFormat", "struct");
And below is part of my code:
r = rosrate(10);
pub = rospublisher("/path", "geometry_msgs/Point", "DataFormat", "struct");
% ...
while true
% Create a new ROS message
msg = rosmessage(pub);
msg.Data = struct_target_path;
% Publish the message
send(pub, msg);
What I want to do is to publish a structure message(struct_target_path) with the topic named "/path".
I have already tried various methods, but all of them didn't work.
Thank you for anyone who can help me to fix it.
Answers (1)
Karthik Reddy Vennapureddy
on 31 Jul 2023
Hi JhenMin,
The message struct you are creating in while loop using rosmessage API, is of message type "geometry_msgs/Point". This type has no such field 'Data'. Instead it has fields X, Y and Z. So, it is not allowed to do the following:
msg.Data = struct_target_path;
Instead the below syntax is allowed
msg.X = 10;
Karthik Reddy
Karthik Reddy Vennapureddy
on 31 Jul 2023
Hi JhenMin,
Are you able to directly run the above script without any issues in MATLAB, but facing issues only using MATLAB Coder when generating the code?
Karthik Reddy
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