How to put model from Fuzzy Logic Designer to App Designer ?

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I need to create an app where user can put his lingustic variables to 5/6 categories. After that user should be able to click some button and receive an answer from the system.
The answer should be calculated based on provided variables in model/file created in Fuzzy Logic Designer.

Answers (1)

Praveen Reddy
Praveen Reddy on 26 Jun 2023
Hi Katarzyna,
I understand that you have designed a system in Fuzzy Logic Designer App and implement the Fuzzy Inference System in App Designer with a button click event. You can use ‘uigetfile’ and ‘evalfis’ functions for the same.
  • Add a button to the App Designer Workspace
  • Add a button pushed function call back to the added button.
  • You can add the ‘uigetfile’ in the call back, collect the inputs from UI and pass the same to the fuzzy inference system fis using ‘evalfis’ as suggested below
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.fis'); %your .fis file
input1=app.Input1EditField.Value; % replace "IP1.EditField" with your field name
Please refer to the following MATLAB documentations to know more about how to add call back function in App Designer, ‘evalfis’ function


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