Wishing to remove invalid noisy data from a graph.

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I have plotted a graph of some Tempertaure vs Time data.
I have used 'hampel' and 'medfilt1' to minimise and reduce noise that occurs, while most have been cleaned up there is a period of continious noise I am wanting to remove or mitigate so it doesn't make other data hard to read.
Looking for suggestions to remove said continuous noise besides manually adding in an x-axis cut off point as this experiment will be further continued with multiple results and could become tedious.

Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 24 May 2023
Edited: Mathieu NOE on 24 May 2023
My first idea would be to analyse the ratio of variance vs mean value of a buffer of samples (repeat if until the end of the data) , so the noisy sections should show clearly a higher ratio vs a clean one
then replace this secton of data with a smoothed / filtered version of it (or replace with NaN's)
after some trials , maybe this code is a good starting point :
% dummy data
ynf = 0.3+ max(0,sin(12*x+5*x.^2)).*exp(-3*x); % signal without noise
% add local noise
y = ynf;
l = 300;
y(l:n) = y(l:n) + 0.05*randn(1,1000-l+1); % add some noise in the trailling portion
%% main code
y_out = y;
% create the low pass filtered / smoothed version of y
k = 60;
ys = smoothdata(y,'movmean',k); % smoothed version of y
% let's detect when we have too much noise content and replace y with ys in
% those sections
[B,A] = butter(2,0.03,'high');
yhp = filtfilt(B,A,y);
% logic signal
ls = abs(yhp);
k = 50;
ls = movmean(ls.^2,k);
ls = ls./max(ls);
idx = (ls>0.1);
y_out(idx) = ys(idx);
legend('noisy signal','denoised signal','noise free signal');

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