Interpolate to fill missing values in a temperature Matrix by considering the altitude (stored in a separate matrix)
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Dear all,
I have got a matrix with temperatures (let's call it T), and a matrix with altitudes (let's call it Z). They're both 150x150.
T contains some missing values that I need to fill.
Rather than filling it with a basic linear interpolation, I need to fill it taking into account the altitude (Z).
Could you please suggest a code to fill the missing values in T weighted on Z?
Thanks a lot!
on 30 Apr 2023
With no more to go on than that, one would presume the location of the two already contains the variations in Z into account by position in the array. It wouldn't seem much else able to do other than interp2 around each missing location; unless, of course, the elevatioins in the other array are not representive of the location they occupy in the array -- in which case it wouldn't seem there would be sufficient data/knowledge available to do anything more, anyway, either.
Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 3 May 2023
What exactly does "missing" mean to you? You can't have "holes" in the matrix. The values must either be nan, 0, or some other value.
help interp2
Mathieu NOE
on 7 May 2023
hello again
before you do the interpolation with interp1 , you have to make sure that the data (Zrow,Trow) are unique
use unique to remove duplicates
on 7 May 2023
"...with interp1 , you have to make sure that the data (Zrow,Trow) are unique"
The functional also cannot be double-valued, so if your data follow the terrain up and down, that doesn't work, either.
See Also
Find more on Interpolation of 2-D Selections in 3-D Grids in Help Center and File Exchange
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