Table function with cells

4 views (last 30 days)
Pano on 27 Apr 2023
Commented: Pano on 27 Apr 2023
I have a cell variable (166*1 cell) organized like this :
data_table =
1*4 cell
1*4 cell
1*4 cell
Each 1*4 cell is organized like this :
data_table{1,1} =
'A' '[1 25]' 'double' ""
data_table{2,1} =
'AF' '[1 1]' 'double' 1
When I use the command t = table(data_table{:,:}) (to export to an Excel file), all datas are reorganised in an unique row array :
'A' '[1 25]' 'double' "" 'AF' '[1 1]' 'double' 1....
How to keep the same arrangement as in the intial data_table array?
Thank you.
Stephen23 on 27 Apr 2023
Edited: Stephen23 on 27 Apr 2023
Rather than storing lots of 1x4 cell arrays inside a 166x1 cell array, your data should probably be stored as one single 166x4 cell array. That would also make your task much easier. Lets try using some fake data:
data_table = cell(3,1);
data_table{1} = {'A', '[1 25]', 'double', ""};
data_table{2} = {'AF', '[1 1]', 'double', 1};
data_table{3} = {'B', '[0 0]', 'double', "Hi"};
Which probably shold be stored like this (or in a table):
C = vertcat(data_table{:})
C = 3×4 cell array
{'A' } {'[1 25]'} {'double'} {["" ]} {'AF'} {'[1 1]' } {'double'} {[ 1]} {'B' } {'[0 0]' } {'double'} {["Hi"]}
Which in turn makes saving the data easier:
Do not use a loop to create lots of separate tables.
Pano on 27 Apr 2023
Thanks a lot!
writecell function doesn't exist in R2018b release.
I use following commands:
C = table(vertcat(data_table{:}))

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Accepted Answer

Sufiyan on 27 Apr 2023
You can refer to the below code.
%sample data
data_table = cell(3,1);
data_table{1} = {'A', '[1 25]', 'double', ""};
data_table{2} = {'AF', '[1 1]', 'double', 1};
data_table{3} = {'B', '[0 0]', 'double', "Hi"};
% Convert each cell to a separate table
tables = cell(size(data_table));
for i = 1:numel(data_table)
tables{i} = cell2table(data_table{i});
% Concatenate tables
t = vertcat(tables{:});
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ______ __________ __________ ____ {'A' } {'[1 25]'} {'double'} "" {'AF'} {'[1 1]' } {'double'} "1" {'B' } {'[0 0]' } {'double'} "Hi"
%writetable(t, 'filename.xlsx');
Hope this helps!

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