Arrange column vetors into table

2 views (last 30 days)
I used the findpeaks function in matlab to find local maxima ('peaks') in a vector and their indices ('locs').
I would like to arrange the two outputs in a table. I used the table function to merge them, but this is what I get, instead of numbers.
I tried converting the variables to num but i didnt help.
Any thoughts?
Thx in advance!

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 19 Apr 2023
You simply need to transpose the row vectors to column vectors.
That is best done before creating the table, for example —
peaks = rand(1,11)
peaks = 1×11
0.2360 0.9313 0.5730 0.5696 0.8913 0.5849 0.9910 0.7940 0.0096 0.5015 0.8101
locs = sort(randi(25,1,11))
locs = 1×11
7 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 21 22
peaks = peaks(:)
peaks = 11×1
0.2360 0.9313 0.5730 0.5696 0.8913 0.5849 0.9910 0.7940 0.0096 0.5015
locs = locs(:)
locs = 11×1
7 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 21
A = table(peaks,locs)
A = 11×2 table
peaks locs _________ ____ 0.23596 7 0.93131 13 0.57302 14 0.56964 15 0.89127 16 0.58491 17 0.99104 18 0.79404 18 0.0095785 19 0.50147 21 0.81009 22

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