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Unrecognized function or variable 'options'. for simulannealbnd, but works for fminunc

5 views (last 30 days)
When I change the optimization function to simulannealbnd instead of fminunc, MATLAB shows error " No variable named options".
What wrong am i doing?
I changed the code from :
if isempty(optimfun)
% determine whether the MATLAB Optimization toolbox is available and can be used
if ft_hastoolbox('optim')
optimfun = @fminunc;
optimfun = @fminsearch;
if isempty(maxiter)
% set a default for the maximum number of iterations, depends on the optimization function
if isequal(optimfun, @fminunc)
maxiter = 1000;
maxiter = 3000;
if isequal(optimfun, @fminunc)
options = optimset(...
elseif isequal(optimfun, @fminsearch)
options = optimset(...
if isempty(optimfun)
% determine whether the MATLAB Optimization toolbox is available and can be used
if ft_hastoolbox('optim')
optimfun = @simulannealbnd;
optimfun = @fminsearch;
if isempty(maxiter)
% set a default for the maximum number of iterations, depends on the optimization function
if isequal(optimfun, @simulannealbnd)
maxiter = 1000;
maxiter = 3000;
if isequal(optimfun, @simulannealbnd)
options = optimoptions(...
elseif isequal(optimfun, @fminsearch)
options = optimset(...
% perform the optimization with either the fminsearch or fminunc function
[param, fval, exitflag, output] = optimfun(@dipfit_error, param, options, dat, sens, headmodel, constr, metric, checkinside, mleweight, reducerank, normalize, normalizeparam, weight, backproject);
The complete file for code is attached here
I get an error saying ' Unrecognized function or variable 'options'.' How do i solve this?

Accepted Answer

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 11 Apr 2023
optimoptions requires that the first argument be the name of the solver. Something like
options = optimoptions('simulannealbnd',...
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
Subrat Bastola
Subrat Bastola on 11 Apr 2023
Update: I fixed it by:
% Define the objective function
objfun = @(param) dipfit_error(param, dat, sens, headmodel, constr, metric, checkinside, mleweight, reducerank, normalize, normalizeparam, weight, backproject);
% Call `simulannealbnd`
[param, fval, exitflag, output] = simulannealbnd(objfun, param, [], [], options);
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 11 Apr 2023
Great! If you feel that I helped, please Accept my answer.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Apr 2023
if isequal(optimfun, @simulannealbnd)
options = optimoptions(...
That end concludes the entire if statement.
elseif isequal(optimfun, @fminsearch)
That elseif will generate an error if you are not already within a different if statement.
Notice that the original code did not have an end before the elseif.




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