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Why do I receive the error "Unable to save login information. You are currently signed in but you will be prompted to sign in again the next time that you start this application"?

350 views (last 30 days)
When launching MATLAB, why do I receive the error "Unable to save login information. You are currently signed in but you will be prompted to sign in again the next time that you start this application"?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 6 Sep 2024 at 0:00
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 6 Sep 2024 at 18:39
If this error occurs when attempting to start MATLAB, there may be an issue with the MathWorks Service Host.
To resolve this, perform a clean reinstall of the MathWorks Service Host:
How do I uninstall and reinstall MathWorks Service Host?
If this does not work, please try resetting your local credentials with the following steps:
  • Shutdown any running MATLABs, MathWorksServiceHost and MATLABConnector processes. If you don't know how to shutdown the ServiceHost or Connector, please view the URL from above.
  • Delete your credentials storage folder, which can be found here:
        Linux - ~/.matlab/credentials
Windows - %APPDATA%\MathWorks\credentials
macOS - ~/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/credentials
  • Then, try running MATLAB again. 
To resolve this on macOS, perform a clean reinstall of the MathWorks Service Host:
If this error occurs when attempting to start up MATLAB Connector on macOS, there may be an issue with the secrets file contained with the credentials directory, which may have been deleted or modified. 
To resolve this, perform the following:
  1. Delete the following directory: /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/credentials
  2. Delete the "MathWorks Key" key found in your login keychain in the Keychain Access app under Utilities
  3. Restart MATLAB Connector

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