Hi Rajkumar,
To plot the ensemble autocorrelation of acceleration data in MATLAB, refer the following steps:
- Load and prepare data and ensure that the acceleration data is organized in a matrix form where each row corresponds to a different trial or dataset.
- Compute autocorrelation for each trial, you can use the ‘autocorr’ function from MATLAB to compute the same.
- Calculate the average of the autocorrelation functions across all trials to get the ensemble autocorrelation.
- Calculate the average of the autocorrelation functions across all trials to get the ensemble autocorrelation.
Below is a MATLAB code assuming sample acceleration data to calculate ensemble acceleration:
accelData = randn(numTrials, numSamples);
autocorrMatrix = zeros(numTrials, maxLag + 1);
[autocorrMatrix(i, :), lags] = autocorr(accelData(i, :), 'NumLags', maxLag);
ensembleAutocorr = mean(autocorrMatrix, 1);
plot(lags, ensembleAutocorr, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Ensemble Autocorrelation of Acceleration Data');
This code provides a method to compute and plot the ensemble autocorrelation using MATLAB's ‘autocorr’ function, suitable for analyzing multiple trials of acceleration data. Adjust the ‘maxLag’ and data handling for your specific dataset. For more information regarding the functions used, refer the following documentations:
Hope this helps!