create a shuffleable datastore
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on 6 Mar 2023
Commented: Philip Brown
on 4 May 2023
Good morning to all!
I am developing a neural network with deep network designer and for this I need a datastore. I have hundreds of numerical data in an excel table and I have converted it to a csv, which I transformed into a datastore with the following code:
DataTableTrain = tabularTextDatastore("TableTrain_Borrar.csv","VariableNamingRule","preserve");
NewDataTableTrain = transform(DataTableTrain, @(x) [cellfun(@transpose,mat2cell(x{:,1:end-1},ones(1,numTrain)),...
'UniformOutput',false) , mat2cell((x{:,end}),ones(1,numTrain))]);
When I write the function "isShuffleable" it throws a value 0 since it is not, so I don't explain how to create a datastore of this type. I have tried with the function "shuffle" but it tells me that all the cells must be shuffleable. I think that a datastore that is shuffleable has several advantages over one that is not, that's why I insist.
Thank you very much!
Accepted Answer
Askic V
on 6 Mar 2023
A different approach would be to read csv file in a table and create datastore from the table.
this datastore issubsetable and therefore shuffleable:
T = readtable("airlinesmall.csv");
ds = arrayDatastore(T,"OutputType","same")
Philip Brown
on 4 May 2023
Were you able to make use of this doc page: - was it any help?
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