Monte Carlo simulation with two random variables with correlation

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Dear community,
I am currently running 1000 Monte Carlo simulations of two random variables (Q_d and Q_g), changing the mean and standard deviation. I specify 1000 values for each mean and standard deviation for each random variable. As shown below.
x1 = 75:125;
y1 = 0:40;
for i = 1:length(x1) % mean
for j = 1:length(y1) % sd
x2 = 55:105;
y2 = 0:40;
for i = 1:length(x2) % mean
for j = 1:length(y2) % sd
I want to modify my simulations to introduce a correlation between the variables that I simulate (Q_d and Q_g), for example, a rho=-.8 Any idea how I can modify my code?
I have read that copulas could solve my problem, but I don't quite understand how to do it. Thank you very much for any hints!

Accepted Answer

Paul on 3 Feb 2023
Because Qd and Qg are normal, perhaps mvnrnd is all that's needed.
Paul on 4 Feb 2023
Here's one way to construct the n-D arrays and compared to the original cell array method.
I don't understand what this means: "separate the two simulations contained in Q"
In the code below, newQ is nSamples x 2 x nMonteCarlo, so it should be easy to access any partion of Q as needed.
nMonteCarlo = 50;
a = 0;
b = 28;
r= (b-a).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + a;
mean_g = sort (r, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transpose operator
a = 0;
b = 40;
r= (b-a).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + a;
mean_d = sort (r, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transpose operator
g = 0;
h = 10;
r5= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
std_g = sort (r5, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transpose operator
g = 0;
h = 4;
r5= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
std_d = sort (r5, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transponse operator
nSamples = 100;
rho= 0.8;
Mean = cell(1, nMonteCarlo);
for index=1:nMonteCarlo
Mean{index}=[mean_d(index) mean_g(index)];
Sigma = cell(1, nMonteCarlo);
for index=1:nMonteCarlo
Sigma{index}=[std_d(index)^2 std_d(index)*std_g(index)*rho; std_d(index)*std_g(index)*rho std_g(index)^2];
rng(100); % to compare
Q = cell(1, nMonteCarlo);
for index=1:nMonteCarlo
Q{index} = mvnrnd(Mean{index},Sigma{index},nSamples);
newMean = [mean_d mean_g];
% Sigma would be easier to construct if std_d and std_g initially used
% rand(1,1,nMonteCarlo)
newSigma = nan(2,2,nMonteCarlo);
newSigma(1,1,:) = std_d.^2;
newSigma(2,2,:) = std_g.^2;
newSigma(1,2,:) = std_d.*std_g.*rho;
newSigma(2,1,:) = newSigma(1,2,:);
rng(100); % to compare
newQ = nan(nSamples,2,nMonteCarlo);
for index=1:nMonteCarlo
newQ(:,:,index) = mvnrnd(newMean(index,:),newSigma(:,:,index),nSamples);
% compare methods
ans = logical
Angelavtc on 5 Feb 2023
Thank you very much, @Paul. It is true that with n-D arrays, it is much simpler. Thank you very much for showing me the way :)

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More Answers (1)

Angelavtc on 8 Feb 2023
Edited: Angelavtc on 8 Feb 2023
Dear @Paul. Sorry to bother you again, but I'm trying to change this code and struggling with how to do it.
Now, I want to fix the Mean of the two distributions to, say, Mean [28,13] and generate simulations (size nSamples) where only the standard deviations (std_g, std_d)and the correlation between the two change (going from -1 to 1).
For each std_g and std_d value, I must generate nMonteCarlo covariance matrices with different "rho." But, I am struggling with the for loop that allows me to create these covariance matrices.
We had said that using a cell array is not the best. However, I can't find a way to simplify the problem. The worst of it is that my code doesn't run. This is what I have done:
nMonteCarlo = 50;
newMean = [28 13];
g = 0;
h = 10;
r5= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
std_g = sort (r5, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transpose operator
g = 0;
h = 4;
r5= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
std_d = sort (r5, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transponse operator
nSamples = 100;
g = -1;
h = 1;
r6= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
rho = sort (r6, 'ascend');
%For the set of nMonteCarlo simulations I did this:
SSigma =repmat({[NaN NaN;NaN NaN]}, 1, nMonteCarlo, nMonteCarlo);
for i=1:nMonteCarlo
for j=nMonteCarlo
For some reason, the loop is not changing the entries in the SSigma matrices. Also, afterward, how could I jump into the simplest way to generate the simulations with bivariate distribution corresponding to each matrix?
Any help, again, would be greatly appreciated :)
Paul on 9 Feb 2023
I still don't know what "separate the two simulations" means. Whateever it means, it's probabaly easier to do if you use an 4-D array for Q, as shown in the other Answer, instead of 2-D cell array.
nMonteCarlo = 50;
newMean = [28 13];
g = 0;
h = 10;
r5= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
std_g = sort (r5, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transpose operator
g = 0;
h = 4;
r5= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
std_d = sort (r5, 'ascend'); % got rid of the transponse operator
I changed nSamples here to keep things manageable
nSamples = 5;
g = -1;
h = 1;
r6= (h-g).*rand(nMonteCarlo,1) + g;
rho = sort (r6, 'ascend');
%For the set of nMonteCarlo simulations I did this:
SSigma = cell(nMonteCarlo,nMonteCarlo);
for i= 1:nMonteCarlo % rho loop
for j = 1:nMonteCarlo % std loop
SSigma{i,j} = [std_d(j).^2 , std_d(j).*std_g(j).*rho(i);
std_d(j).*std_g(j).*rho(i) , std_g(j).^2];
Q = nan(nMonteCarlo, nMonteCarlo,nSamples,2);
for i = 1:nMonteCarlo
for j = 1:nMonteCarlo
Q(i,j,:,:) = mvnrnd(newMean,SSigma{i,j},nSamples);
The first two dimnesions of Q correspond to the covariance matrix stored in SSigma and the last two dimensions are the data. For example, the data corresponding the SSigma{5,6) is
ans =
ans(:,:,1,1) = 28.9176 ans(:,:,2,1) = 27.7675 ans(:,:,3,1) = 27.8821 ans(:,:,4,1) = 29.0789 ans(:,:,5,1) = 27.7589 ans(:,:,1,2) = 11.8181 ans(:,:,2,2) = 13.0832 ans(:,:,3,2) = 12.9615 ans(:,:,4,2) = 12.6586 ans(:,:,5,2) = 12.9168
Use squeeze if desired to convert to 2-D 5 x 2
ans = 5×2
28.9176 11.8181 27.7675 13.0832 27.8821 12.9615 29.0789 12.6586 27.7589 12.9168
If you want the only the first variable from that same run, then (or use squeeze to get just a column vector). Note that this expression returns a 3-D array because trailing dimensions of 1 are automatically squeezed.
Q(5,6,:,1) % 1 x 1 x 5 x 1 autoconvers to 1 x 1 x 5
ans =
ans(:,:,1) = 28.9176 ans(:,:,2) = 27.7675 ans(:,:,3) = 27.8821 ans(:,:,4) = 29.0789 ans(:,:,5) = 27.7589
If you want the first variable corresponding to the (1,6) and (5,6) elements of SSigma, then
Q([1 5],6,:,1)
ans =
ans(:,:,1) = 27.4007 28.9176 ans(:,:,2) = 28.2692 27.7675 ans(:,:,3) = 27.6014 27.8821 ans(:,:,4) = 28.1297 29.0789 ans(:,:,5) = 27.3080 27.7589
And so on.
Angelavtc on 9 Feb 2023
Thank you @Paul your explanation was pretty clear. So when I said "separate the two simulations" I I meant this:
Q_d = zeros(nSamples,nMonteCarlo, nMonteCarlo);
for i = 1:nMonteCarlo
for j = 1:nMonteCarlo
Q_d(:,i,j)= squeeze(Q(i,j,:,1));
Q_g = zeros(nSamples,nMonteCarlo, nMonteCarlo);
for i = 1:nMonteCarlo
for j = 1:nMonteCarlo
Q_g(:,i,j)= squeeze(Q(i,j,:,2));
Your explanation regarding the ¨squeeze command helped me a lot. Again, I thank you for all the support :)

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