Dynamic Model unable to linearize because of multiple Sign blocks

4 views (last 30 days)
The dynamic model of a wheeled mobile robot is tried to be linearized using Linearization Manager. But it thows an error saying,
"The Simulink Model could not be linearized because the blocks listed below have individual linearizations with A,B,C or D matrices which are not finite. Either linearize at another operating point or remove the blocks."
And all the blocks are Sign blocks. Can anyone please help me out here?
  1 Comment
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 11 Jan 2023
are yu trying to linearize a model around an operating point where your sign blocks are supposed to change sign quite often ? that may be hard to for the Linearization Manager to find a linear model in that case
otherwise you could try to send some small amplitude random noise on your input(s) , measure the output(s) and use matlab tfestimate to build a transfer function

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Answers (1)

Supraja on 7 Apr 2023
As per my understanding, you want to linearise your model having sign blocks.There is one answer for a similar error which you can see the thread here and follow the same. The error message displayed in your case is the same.
Hope this solves your issue. 




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