Error using nnet.cnn.LayerGraph>iThrowErrorIfStartLayerIsOutputLayer Unable to connect to the layer 'ClassificationLayer_fc1000'. This layer is an output layer and has no outp
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Hi everyone,
I am trying to learn deep learning but I am getting the error. here is the code.
shuffledIndices = randperm(height(gTruth));
idx = floor(0.6 * length(shuffledIndices) );
trainingData = gTruth(shuffledIndices(1:idx),:);
testData = gTruth(shuffledIndices(idx+1:end),:);
imdsTrain = imageDatastore(trainingData{:,'imageFilename'});
bldsTrain = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:,2:end));
imdsTest = imageDatastore(testData{:,'imageFilename'});
bldsTest = boxLabelDatastore(testData(:,2:end));
trainingData = combine(imdsTrain,bldsTrain);
testData = combine(imdsTest, bldsTest);
data = read(trainingData);
I = data{1};
bbox = data{2};
annotatedImage = insertShape(I,'rectangle',bbox);
annotatedImage = imresize(annotatedImage,2);
net = resnet50();
lgraph = layerGraph(net);
inputSize = [2872 920 3];
classNames = {'orangecone','bluecone', 'yellowcone'};
ssdLayerGraph = removeLayers(lgraph,'activation_40_relu');
weightsInitializerValue = 'glorot';
biasInitializerValue = 'zeros';
% Append Extra layers on top of a base network.
extraLayers = [];
% Add conv6_1 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 1;
numFilters = 256;
numChannels = 1024;
conv6_1 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Name = 'conv6_1', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu6_1 = reluLayer(Name = 'relu6_1');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv6_1; relu6_1];
% Add conv6_2 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 3;
numFilters = 512;
numChannels = 256;
conv6_2 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Padding = "same", ...
Stride = [2, 2], ...
Name = 'conv6_2', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu6_2 = reluLayer(Name = 'relu6_2');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv6_2; relu6_2];
% Add conv7_1 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 1;
numFilters = 128;
numChannels = 512;
conv7_1 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Name = 'conv7_1', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu7_1 = reluLayer(Name = 'relu7_1');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv7_1; relu7_1];
% Add conv7_2 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 3;
numFilters = 256;
numChannels = 128;
conv7_2 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Padding = "same", ...
Stride = [2, 2], ...
Name = 'conv7_2', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu7_2 = reluLayer(Name = 'relu7_2');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv7_2; relu7_2];
% Add conv8_1 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 1;
numFilters = 128;
numChannels = 256;
conv8_1 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Name = 'conv8_1', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu8_1 = reluLayer(Name = 'relu8_1');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv8_1; relu8_1];
% Add conv8_2 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 3;
numFilters = 256;
numChannels = 128;
conv8_2 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Name = 'conv8_2', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu8_2 = reluLayer(Name ='relu8_2');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv8_2; relu8_2];
% Add conv9_1 and corresponding reLU
filterSize = 1;
numFilters = 128;
numChannels = 256;
conv9_1 = convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, NumChannels = numChannels, ...
Padding = "same", ...
Name = 'conv9_1', ...
WeightsInitializer = weightsInitializerValue, ...
BiasInitializer = biasInitializerValue);
relu9_1 = reluLayer('Name', 'relu9_1');
extraLayers = [extraLayers; conv9_1; relu9_1];
if ~isempty(extraLayers)
lastLayerName = ssdLayerGraph.Layers(end).Name;
ssdLayerGraph = addLayers(ssdLayerGraph, extraLayers);
ssdLayerGraph = connectLayers(ssdLayerGraph, lastLayerName, extraLayers(1).Name);
error :
Error using nnet.cnn.LayerGraph>iThrowErrorIfStartLayerIsOutputLayer
Unable to connect to the layer 'ClassificationLayer_fc1000'. This layer is an output layer and has no
outputs to other layers.
Error in nnet.cnn.LayerGraph>iGetSourceInformation (line 629)
iThrowErrorIfStartLayerIsOutputLayer( layers(startLayerIndex) );
Error in nnet.cnn.LayerGraph/connectLayers (line 295)
[startLayerName,startLayerIndex,~, layerOutputIndex] = iGetSourceInformation(s, layers);
1 Comment
on 5 Jan 2023
I have analyzed the code shared by you. Please make the changes in the code as shown below. You will see the layered graph.
if ~isempty(extraLayers)
lastLayerName = ssdLayerGraph.Layers(end).Name;
ssdLayerGraph = addLayers(ssdLayerGraph, extraLayers);
%ssdLayerGraph = connectLayers(ssdLayerGraph, lastLayerName, extraLayers(1).Name);
In this, you will find issues in the attached image.
Please confirm the connections, its inputs and outputs. Based on that, you can connect your layers as per that information. Please refer to the documentation page of "addLayers", "connectLayers" for your reference.
Answers (1)
on 9 Jan 2023
I have analyzed the code shared by you. Please make the changes in the code as shown below. You will see the layered graph.
if ~isempty(extraLayers)
lastLayerName = ssdLayerGraph.Layers(end).Name;
ssdLayerGraph = addLayers(ssdLayerGraph, extraLayers);
%ssdLayerGraph = connectLayers(ssdLayerGraph, lastLayerName, extraLayers(1).Name);
Please confirm the connections, its inputs and outputs. Based on that, you can connect your layers as per that information. Please refer to the documentation page of "addLayers", "connectLayers" for your reference.
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