why simulink model create a roundf() function in code generating process and how it used?

4 views (last 30 days)
/* no factor to apply */
result = result - -1023.0;
/* round to closest integer value for integer CAN signal */
outValue = roundf(result); //whats it?
uint16_T packedValue;
if (outValue > (real64_T)(2047)) {
packedValue = (uint16_T) 2047;
} else if (outValue < (real64_T)(0)) {
packedValue = (uint16_T) 0;
} else {
packedValue = (uint16_T) (outValue);

Answers (1)

Abhaya on 10 Oct 2024
The ‘roundf’ function is a standard part of the C library, defined in the <math.h> header. It takes a floating-point value as input and computes the nearest integer value, returning this result in floating-point format.
During code generation, Simulink employs the 'roundf' function to determine the nearest integer value when propagating signals.
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Hope this helps.

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