Is it possible to visualise NxNxN mesh/matrix as a figure or image?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a physical object created as matrix with size 300x300x300 and with values/intensities in each position. Currently I'm using figure, imagesc() to visualise specified planes, but I would like to visualize the whole object. Is there any way to do this?

Answers (2)

Vinayak Choyyan
Vinayak Choyyan on 12 Dec 2022
Hi Sebastian,
As per my understanding, you would like to plot a 3D object, whose (x,y,z) points you have in a matrix. You also have the intensity of each point.
This can be done using the ‘surf()’ function in MATLAB. For an example, see Surface plot - MATLAB surf - MathWorks India. Set the ‘FaceAlpha’ Name-Value pair to ‘flat’ and set the ‘AlphaData’ property to the intensity matrix.

DGM on 12 Dec 2022
You can probably use volshow() or the Volume Viewer app, depending on how things are scaled. It really depends what the data looks like and how you want to present the information.




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