Not able to use the if condition as desired in simulink

5 views (last 30 days)
The purpose of this blocks is to check whether the input is zero if it is true then a particular rate limiter will be applied if not then other rate limiter to be applied. However, I am not able to execute the attached image simulink block as it gives the error stating that 'if can be connected to only one action subsytem and may not be connected to more than one action subsystem'. Can someone let me know what am I doing wrong.
Thanks in Advance

Accepted Answer

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson on 21 Nov 2022
You need to use the "if action" subsystem along with the "if". See the example in the documentation:

More Answers (1)

Paul on 21 Nov 2022
The outputs of an If block can only drive If-Action subsystems. At a minimum, the limiter blocks need to be wrapped inside If-Action subsystems. See the linked doc page and the links from there for more info.




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