When I was designing the app of the simulink model, I encountered some problems using simulink.c​ompile.con​figureForD​eployment and could not change the model parameters.

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this is warning massage:Sparam's model file is newer than its Rapid Accelerator target. Consider rebuilding the Rapid Accelerator target
to ensure that it reflects the current state of the model. <actions exclusiveFixIts="yes"> <action type="fixit"
id="BuildRapidAcceleratorTargetFix"> <cmd>Simulink.BlockDiagram.buildRapidAcceleratorTarget('Sparam')</cmd> <txt>Build
rapid accelerator target for model 'Sparam'</txt> </action> </actions>

Answers (1)

Alvaro on 19 Jan 2023
Rapid accelerator is compiling your model into an executable.
Because of that, if you make changes to your model then you need to rebuild the rapid accelerator target for the model.


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