How to design a manipulator for a mobile robot with a manipulator robot installed on top and be able to use both at the same time?

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Hello, my name is Pedro and I am student at the University of Málaga (Spain) and I am working on a project about "Development of a mobile manipulator simulator based on MATLAB/Simulink". So, this robot consits of a mobile robot with a manipulator arm mounted on top of it, and the program should control both in order to be able to reach objects at a certain distance and pick them up.
I am writing this because I haven't found any information about it, so I was wondering if it is possible to develop such a project with Robotic System Toolbox and MATLAB/Simulink.
Thank so much.

Answers (1)

Sakshay on 30 Nov 2022
Hello Pedro,
As per my understanding, you want to design a Mobile Robot, with a Manipulator Robot on top of it.
The Robotics System Toolbox provides tools and algorithms for developing both manipulator and mobile robot applications. For manipulators, the toolbox includes algorithms for collision checking, path planning, trajectory generation, forward and inverse kinematics. For mobile robots, it includes algorithms for mapping, localization, path planning, path following, and motion control.
To create such an application involving the control of both the Mobile Robot and Manipulator Robot, you need to implement Behavior Planning using State Machines. These state machines can be created using Stateflow. Stateflow provides a graphical language that includes state transition diagrams, flow charts, state transition tables, and truth table.
You can refer to the following documentation to get started with Stateflow.




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