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How can I find dip direction and a dip of a plane with known normal vectors?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello. I have atxt file containing multiple colums and three of than being nx, ny, and nz?
Can you please help me on how to find a dip direction and a dip of a plane.
Note - some of my nz values are negative. Below I am posting a core that i wrote but it is not giving be good values for dip direction.
Thank you for your help
data = load('artificial_slope.txt') %loading data
% defining input values based of input txt file
nx = data(:,4)
ny = data(:,5)
nz = data(:,6)
% abs vaue of nz component to eliminite minus sign
nz_abs = abs(nz)
% dip calculation
dip_disc = acos(nz_abs)*(180/pi)
% dip direction calculation (giving wrong results)
dip_dir = (360-atan2(ny,nx) * (180/pi))-90

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