Stopping intlinprog if fval isn't changing
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Dear All
I'm quite new to Matlab and I'm using it for optimizations. Now I'm trying to define some stopping criteria but I don't get it. How can i stop a intlinprog function if my fval value isn't changing over a certain amount of nodes? Is that even possible?
This is my code so far:
clear all
A = xlsread('Daten_jpd.xlsm','A');
Aeq = xlsread('Daten_jpd.xlsm','Aeq');
beq = xlsread('Daten_jpd.xlsm','beq');
b = xlsread('Daten_jpd.xlsm','b');
I tried to use
options = optimoptions(@intlinprog,'OutputFcn',@stopFcn);
to include a stop Function, but there i got an error:
Error using optimoptions (line 105)
'OutputFcn' is not an option for INTLINPROG.
A list of options can be found on the INTLINPROG documentation page.
Thanks a lot for your Help!
Cheers yvlu
Answers (1)
Alan Weiss
on 12 Mar 2015
You probably have MATLAB R2014a, which does not have output function support for intlinprog. See the release notes.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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