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trainNetwork - Number of observations in X and Y disagree

20 views (last 30 days)
I'm training a network that has an imageInputLayer with image size of [498,13]. I have 1600 instances of these 498x13 images in my training data set.
The dimensions of the variables I'm passing to the trainNetwork function are the following:
Xtrain: 498x13x1600
Labels: 1600x1
These dimensions are as reccomended in the documentation:
Dimensions for X: hxwxN & Dimensions for Y: Nx1 are as specified in the answer to a question on this error asked previously.
But I'm still getting the error "Number of observations in X and Y disagree" when I call trainNetwork(Xtrain, Labels, layers, options)
Do not understand why I'm getting the error.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Oct 2022
Just to be clear, replace this line
trainNetwork(Xtrain, Labels, layers, options)
with these lines
whos Xtrain
whos Labels
trainNetwork(Xtrain, Labels, layers, options)
and tell us what you see in the command window.
Nikhil on 11 Oct 2022
Here's what I get I run the code below:
whos XtrainShaped
whos TTrain
trainedNet = trainNetwork(XtrainShaped,TTrain,layers,options);

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Answers (2)

Rahul on 12 Oct 2022
"XtrainShaped" dimension should be [img_height, img_width, img_planes, num_samples]. "img_planes" denotes whether is image is RGB (img_planes = 3) or grayscale (img_planes = 1). In your dataset, the network is thinking the number of planes are 1600 with only one sample whereas length of the Labels categorical vector is 1600. Hence, you are receiving the error. You can reshape your "XtrainShaped" matrix using the link hyperlink given.
The shape of your XtrainShaped should be . The 1 represents the number of planes in an image denoting whether the image is grayscale or RGB. Please refer the below code for more information. This way, you will not receive any syntax error.
Important Note: The accuracy and other metrics depend on your CNN model, training options, and other hyperparameters. Below code is just for demo purpose to avoid the error that you are receiving.
imdsTrain = rand(498, 13, 1600); % generating random samples (your dataset)
imdsTrain_reshaped = reshape(imdsTrain, [498, 13, 1, 1600]); % reshaping to [height, width , num_planes, num_samples]
labels = randi([0,9],1600, 1); % generating vector having 10 classes
labels = categorical(labels); % converting to categorical vector
[img_height, img_width , num_planes, num_samples] = size(imdsTrain_reshaped);
num_classes = 10;
% CNN layers
layers = [ ...
imageInputLayer([img_height, img_width , num_planes]) % input layer
convolution2dLayer(3,20) % 2D convolutional layer
reluLayer % activation function
maxPooling2dLayer(2,'Stride',2) % 2D max-pooling layer
fullyConnectedLayer(num_classes) % Fully connected later with output neurons 10
softmaxLayer % activation function
classificationLayer]; % Classification layer
% training options
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
'InitialLearnRate',1e-4, ...
'Verbose',true, ...
% training the network
net = trainNetwork(imdsTrain_reshaped, labels, layers, options);
Rahul on 19 Oct 2022
Sure 8:00 PM IST works. I have mailed you the google meet link details on your gmail account. Feel free to reply.
Did you get the solution for that? I am currently having the same problem. Thanks

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伟 王
伟 王 on 1 Dec 2022
Did you solve this problem, I am also experiencing the same situation


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