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get x values for given y from fit

4 views (last 30 days)
Jelle van Zuijlen
Jelle van Zuijlen on 16 Feb 2015
Edited: Star Strider on 16 Feb 2015
I have data points x and y. I fit a 3rd order polynomial through these points. Now i want to find the x- values from the polynomial for
y = 0.00:0.05:14.00
This is the code for the fit:
x = [5965 7867 9459 11763 13881 14794 16000 16619 20000];
y = [3.7 6.34 7.04 7.89 8.61 8.91 9.25 9.42 10.19];
[p,~,mu] = polyfit(x,y,3);
y2 = polyval(p,x,[],mu);
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please tell how to get a matrix with all the x-values for the given y-values. I'm new to matlab and clueless

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