How to change column size in table (.txt format) to make it look neater table?

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a table file with .txt format, but it still looks messed up. I want to tidy it up so that each column in the table can fit the size and type of data I want. How to?

Accepted Answer

Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B on 24 Aug 2022
Edited: Abderrahim. B on 25 Aug 2022
Give a try using readtable, MATLAB will organize the variables (columns) for you. If the table is not what you expected, you will need to organize/ clean it by yourself.
A small demo that compares fprintf and writetable.
% Generating some data
x = 0:0.2:1;
l = [10.0001 , 11.1 , 10.01, 9.01, 8.02, 0.002] ;
xl = [x.', l.'] ;
% Converting to table. Later need to convert to array.
tbl = array2table(xl) ;
% Writing to text file using fprintf
fileID = fopen('xl_fpf.txt','w');
fprintf(fileID, " x l\n") ;
for ii = 1:height(tbl)
fprintf(fileID,'%2.1f %4.4f\n',table2array(tbl(ii,:)));
% Writing to text file using write table
writetable(tbl, "xl_wrtbl.txt", "Delimiter", " ")
Hope this helps
Fashan Boby
Fashan Boby on 24 Aug 2022
i mean, create new .txt file with neat table format like this :
Before =
After =
Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B on 25 Aug 2022
Edited: Abderrahim. B on 25 Aug 2022
Try to use fprintf, all you need to do is to set the format specifications. I ve included a demo in the answer, check out the the edit .

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