Can we use the project that is built by the Simulink Galaxy Support Package in Android Studio or Eclipse?

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I have been trying to migrate the android project that is built by the Simulink when I click on "deploy on target hardware" to deploy on my Samsung S5. The app worsk fine on the device. Now as far as I can see there is no way to create an app that has a useful user interface with this simulink package. So I want to get this package migrated into Android Studio, but it whatever I do I always get errors no matter what. So , what kind of project type does this package creates? How can we use the output app with our actual app?

Accepted Answer

saras on 3 Nov 2015
The support package creates an Ant based project. You should be able to import it in Eclipse if you use the ADT plugin.
I agree that the import process in Android Studio is not straightforward. It requires you to import the project and update the SDK since the support package uses an older version.
  1 Comment
saras on 31 Jul 2016
Starting R2016a release, Simulink Support Package for Samsung GALAXY Android Devices generates Android Studio compatible projects. Please refer to this documentation guide for details on the import process.

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