Frequency input to Transform Function
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I have developed set of transfer functions, with the final one being the acceleration. I have ran it successfully for an arbitary angular frequency range from 0.01 to 100 rad/s. Now I am trying to input a specific frequency response I have extracted using Fourier Transform, into the final Transfer function. I am not sure how to do this. I have tried using the function "freqresp", but I keep getting errors and weird graphs. Does anyone recommend any changes to the existing function or another function?
This is the code of the transfer functions and attempt signal input:
%%%%%Given Values
K_1 = 500000; % gain of the displacem transducer (V./m)
K_2 = 0.000016; % coil-magnet transfer function (m./s.^2)./V
K_3 = 31.6; % amplifier gain of the feedback output
omega_a = 0.0628; % output high pass cut-off angular frequency (rad./s)
omega_l = 8.72665; % output low pass cut-off angular frequency (rad./s)
f_l0 = 0.06667; % responant frequency of the pendulum (Hz)
h = 0.85; % damping constant
omega_d = 47.62; % demodulator low-pass cut-off angular frequency (rad./s)
omega_f = 0.000997; % feedback low-pass cut-off angular frequency (rad./s)
K = 208.4; % Conversion from V/(m/s^2) to DU/(m/s^2) [DU/V]
omega_f0 = 2*pi*f_l0;
%%%%Flat-Response Mode of the Long-Period Seismometer
% Transfer function of single-pole high-pass filter in the output amplifier
numerator_Fa = [1, 0];
denominator_Fa = [1, omega_a];
F_a = tf(numerator_Fa, denominator_Fa);
%Traner function of the feedback low-pass filter
numerator_Ff = [omega_f];
denominator_Ff = [1, omega_f];
F_f = tf(numerator_Ff, denominator_Ff);
% Tranfer function of the demodulator low-pass filter
numerator_Fd = [omega_d];
denominator_Fd = [1, omega_d];
F_d = tf(numerator_Fd, denominator_Fd);
% Transfer function of the seismometer for accleration
numerator_Sf = [1];
denominator_Sf = [1, 2*h*omega_f0, (omega_f0)^2];
S_f = tf(numerator_Sf, denominator_Sf);
% Transfer function of the feedback component of the seismometer
numerator_Fsf = K_1*S_f*F_d;
denominator_Fsf = 1 + K_1*K_2*S_f*F_d*F_f;
F_sf = numerator_Fsf/denominator_Fsf;
% Transfer function of 8-pole output low-pass anti-aliasing filter
numerator_Fla = [omega_l^2];
denominator_Fla = [1, 2*cos(pi/8)*omega_l,omega_l^2];
F_la = tf(numerator_Fla, denominator_Fla);
numerator_Flb = [omega_l^2];
denominator_Flb = [1, 2*cos((3*pi)/8)*omega_l,omega_l^2];
F_lb = tf(numerator_Flb, denominator_Flb);
F_l = [(F_la)^2] * [(F_lb)^2];
% Input of Frequnecy response (w) through the transfer functions
A_LPF_DU = K*K_3.*F_a*F_l*F_sf; % [DU/(m/s^2)]
s = j.*w;
[resp,freq] = freqresp(A_LPF_DU,s);
resp2 = abs(squeeze(resp))
figure (4)
ylabel('Magnitude of Frequency Response');
Thank You!
Answers (1)
on 13 Aug 2022
Hi Nerma,
Check freqresp. The second argument should be a real vector of frequencies (typically > 0). The multiplication by 1j is done inside the function.
See Also
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