How to hide data in a UITable ?

42 views (last 30 days)
I am plotting data in a UITable on App Designer.
Here is what my code looks like :
paramD = struct('name',"frequence",'unite',"GHz",'nb',numel(freq),'liste',freq,'scattering',s_list);
app.Table.Data = struct2table(paramD);
app.Table.ColumnName = struct2table(paramD).Properties.VariableNames;
Like so, the table looks like this :
'liste' data could sometimes take up to 500 values.
And I would like the table to be :
without having to create an empty row in the table like this line of code does :
paramD = struct('name',{"frequence",""},'unite',{"GHz",""},'nb',{numel(freq),0},'liste',{freq,0},'scattering',{s_list,0});
Do you know how to hide data so it only appears as '1x154 double' instead of the whole list ?
Thanks in advance,
Gwendal Marrec
Gwendal Marrec on 11 Aug 2022
@Walter Roberson, smart but that does not work.
It makes the columns shorter or larger but it does not change the way cells are displayed.
Right now, the only way I've found to display simply '1x154 double' instead of a whole array is when there are multiple rows with different arrays length.
Otherwise, when there is only one row, it automatically displays the whole array. Can you think of a workaround that could work ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Aug 2022
No, not for the built-in classes. If this were for your own class, you could matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay class

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Accepted Answer

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 11 Aug 2022
You could do this workaround:
paramD = struct('name',"frequence",'unite',"GHz",'nb',numel(freq),'liste',{freq,0},'scattering',s_list);
app.UITable.Data = struct2table(paramD);
app.UITable.ColumnName = struct2table(paramD).Properties.VariableNames;
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Gwendal Marrec
Gwendal Marrec on 11 Aug 2022
Yes, I tried to avoid creating a temporary line and then deleting it, but this may be the only solution. It works, thanks!

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