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Unknown Error while compiling Simulink model.

3 views (last 30 days)
My Simulink model is a state propagator. I run in discrete time mode with a matlab function block, and the outputs get fed back into the inputs of the block. The 3 looped i/o signals are type double numerical vectors of size [1x6] , [1x3] , and [1x3]. I am also using Java libraries / obejects inside of the function block.
When I compile the model the compilation fails with this error:
failed assertion in B:\matlab\src\eml\api\ApiImpl.cpp at line 795:
In resolveFcnNameDefault: Assertion failed: calledFcnInfo->get_path_fcn_info()
... {A Bunch of Info Lines} ...
In resolveFcnNameDefault: Assertion failed: calledFcnInfo->get_path_fcn_info()
Component:Stateflow | Category:Assertion error
In resolveFcnNameDefault: Assertion failed: calledFcnInfo->get_path_fcn_info()
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Any help or clues as to how to solve this is greatly appreciated.
Tyler Gaston
Tyler Gaston on 1 Aug 2022
I hesitate to post the model files since I don't want it public on the web. I can post a photo of the model block setup and a description of the functionality.
The code directly inside the function block has no java code lines, but calls a matlab function that uses java classes, objects, and methods. That custom function I will refer to as the 'java function' and its inputs and outputs are type double numerical. The java function refrences 2 non-default java libraries. I have a function written called that adds both of those libraries to the default matlab java path, and it works perfectly for any pure matlab scripts. In order to add the libraris to the java path in the simulink matlab function block, I preface it with coder.extrinsic('myfunc') lines, since I use the javaAddPath matlab function.
Also anytime I refrence a java method..etc I always use its full class path. ie. '' instead of just CharArrayReader().
Tyler Gaston
Tyler Gaston on 1 Aug 2022
Here is a look inside the function block. The prop function is the function that has java dependacies.

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