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Converting and Translating Points From Azimuth and Elevation to a Sphere and Back

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transformedImage = app.originalImage; % Original image is the image to be translated
transformedImage(:, :, :) = 0; % Creating a blacnk image to map pixels to
length = app.imageLength;
width = app.imageWidth;
% loop through every pixel in the image
for i = 1 : 1 : width
for j = 1 : 1: length
pixelAzimuth = (360/(length-1))*j + (-360/(length-1)-180); % Getting degrees azimuth from pixel position
pixelElevation = (-180/(width-1))*i + (180/(width-1)+90); % Getting degrees elevation from pixel position
% Generating 3D coordinates from the azimuth and elevation using math and translating the points
A = -pixelAzimuth+90;
E = -pixelElevation+90;
X = cosd(A) * sind(E + app.TotalPitch); % 360 image is to be rotated by TotalPitch degrees
Y = sind(A) * sind(E + app.TotalPitch); % 360 image is to be rotated by TotalPitch degrees
Z = cosd(E + app.TotalPitch);
% Getting azimuth and elevation back from X Y Z point
newAzimuth = acosd(Z);
newElevation = atan2d(Y, X);
% Translating azimuth and elevation back to pixel numbers
col = round(((1-length)/-360)*newAzimuth + -180*((1-length)/-360) + length);
row = round(((1-width)/180)*newElevation + 90*((1-width)/+180) + width);
% Map pixel from old image to transformed image with transformations
transformedImage(col, row, :) = app.originalImage(i, j, :);
% Set newImage property to the transformed image
app.newImage = transformedImage;
This is the code that is supposed to do the transformations. For some reason the col and row values generated are incorrect, and are causing errors.
This is essentially what we are trying to do, translate the pixels in a 360 image along the blue line:

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