how to give value stress from excel give color in my mesh thin cylinder

2 views (last 30 days)
hello sir. can you help me how to give value stress in cylinder. i have data excel value stress.
clear all;clc ; close all;
a = readtable('nodes.xlsx');
b = readtable('element.xlsx');
coordinates = table2array(a);
nodes = table2array(b);
hold on
T = readtable('valuestress.xlsx');
stress = table2array(T);
x = coordinates(:,1);
y = coordinates(:,2);
z = coordinates(:,3);

Answers (1)

KSSV on 9 Jul 2022
Edited: KSSV on 9 Jul 2022
You have extracted the stress at the mid point of the element. You need to extract the stress values at every node.
warning off
A = readtable('') ;
t = readtable('') ;
p = readtable('') ;
A = table2array(A) ;
p = table2array(p) ;
t = table2array(t) ;
patch('faces',t,'vertices',p,'facevertexcdata',p(:,3),'facecolor','interp','edgecolor','k') ;
view(3) % if A is of size 176x1, use A instead of p(:,3), you will get the required plot
KSSV on 10 Jul 2022
You can interpolate the elemental stress to nodes and then plot. This is suggested to be done in Ansys itself.
Any ways, I am doing the same in MATLAB.
clear all;
warning off
A = readtable('') ;
t = readtable('') ;
p = readtable('') ;
A = table2array(A) ;
p = table2array(p) ;
t = table2array(t) ;
x = p(:,1); y = p(:,2) ; z = p(:,3) ;
X = x(t') ; Y = y(t') ; Z = z(t') ;
mX = mean(X) ;
mY = mean(Y) ;
mZ = mean(Z) ;
F = scatteredInterpolant(mX',mY',mZ',A) ;
AA = F(X,Y,Z) ;

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