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Sum of 5 consecutive video frames

1 view (last 30 days)
Joana Teixeira
Joana Teixeira on 5 Jul 2022
Answered: Walter Roberson on 5 Jul 2022
Hello! How can I sum, e.g, 5 consecutive video frames to visualize the trajectory of the objects in a video? Thank you!

Answers (2)

Anurag Kurle
Anurag Kurle on 5 Jul 2022
Hello Joana,
This can be solved by first generating the frames of the video and then adding any frames in any desired order we want.
Here's the link to extract frames from a video and here's the link to the documentation for adding images.
Hope this solves the question.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 5 Jul 2022
If you have the frames already in a 3D array, then you might want to consider using movmean or movmedian
window = 5; dim = 3;
mmf5 = cast(movmean(YourFrames, window, dim), 'like', YourFrames);
The cast() is there because movmean() will take the mean as double precision, but the result would not be something you could display as easily if the original data is uint8 .


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