what is the solution for error "the client lost connection to workers" while executing test cases in parallel and generating crash dump file

6 views (last 30 days)
while doing parallel test excution i'm getting an error posted below and it is generating crash dump files but i'm unable to read that files, here i have initiated the parpool. what could be the solution for this? here is the attachment of crash dump file:

Accepted Answer

Pavan Singh
Pavan Singh on 12 Sep 2022
The crash is occurring due to an issue with the parallel execution infrastructure in releases prior to R2020a. Starting in R2020b, "Parsim" is internally used for parallel test execution and you should be able to directly run the tests as it is in parallel in 20b without any crash from workers.
As a workaround before 20b, you can uncheck the 'Stop Simulation at Last Time Point' checkbox in the Inputs section of both the test cases. Running the test cases in parallel after making the change should work fine without any crash from the workers.

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