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solve a forced vibration equation for x and w

15 views (last 30 days)
I am about to solve this forced-viration equation; considering I already calculate w in the first part but don't know how to calculate x
I tried using this method to calculate w and it worked
M=[3*m 0;0 m];
K=[2*k -k;-k k];
syms w
w=double (w)
But when I start to solve the mentioned equation to calculate x , it won't work !!!
syms x
x=double (x)
How can I solve this equation ? K-(w^2)*M)*x
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 20 Jun 2022
Is this approach acceptable?
m = 1;
k = 5;
M = [3*m 0; 0 m];
K = [2*k -k; -k k];
A = -M\K
A = 2×2
-3.3333 1.6667 5.0000 -5.0000
[V, D] = eig(A) % columns of eigenvectors in matrix V and Diagonal matrix D of eigenvalues
V = 2×2
0.6089 -0.3983 0.7933 0.9172
D = 2×2
-1.1620 0 0 -7.1713
Fatemeh Salar
Fatemeh Salar on 20 Jun 2022
Thank you for your sicere effort, but why you decided to define A = -M/K and therefore calculate eig(A) ?

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Accepted Answer

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 21 Jun 2022
I guess you want solve the forced response vibration problem using the Modal Analysis approach. I'll skip the theory (or else it gets super lengthy) and show you directly how to solve in MATLAB. Hope you enjoy this mini tutorial.
m = 1;
k = 5;
f = 10;
M = [3*m 0; 0 m] % mass matrix
M = 2×2
3 0 0 1
K = [2*k -k; -k k] % stiffness matrix
K = 2×2
10 -5 -5 5
F = [0; f] % force vector
F = 2×1
0 10
Mr = sqrtm(M) % mass matrix square root
Mr = 2×2
1.7321 0 0 1.0000
Kt = Mr\K/Mr % calculate the mass-normalized stiffness matrix: inv(Mr)*K*inv(Mr)
Kt = 2×2
3.3333 -2.8868 -2.8868 5.0000
% solve eigenvalue problem to put eigenvectors in matrix V, and eigenvalues in diagonal matrix D
[V, D] = eig(Kt)
V = 2×2
-0.7992 -0.6011 -0.6011 0.7992
D = 2×2
1.1620 0 0 7.1713
W = diag(D); % extract eigenvalues from D
w1 = sqrt(W(1)) % modal frequency 1
w1 = 1.0780
w2 = sqrt(W(2)) % modal frequency 2
w2 = 2.6779
Fr = V'/Mr*F % modal force vector from the eigenvectors
Fr = 2×1
-6.0110 7.9917
S = Mr\V % modal transformation matrix (SUPER IMPORTANT!)... If you get this wrong, then ...
S = 2×2
-0.4614 -0.3470 -0.6011 0.7992
x0 = [0; 0] % initial condition (ic) of the position physical coordinates x(0)
x0 = 2×1
0 0
r0 = S\x0 % convert to ic of modal coordinates using transformation x = S*r, r = S\x
r0 = 2×1
0 0
dx0 = [0; 0] % initial condition (ic) of the velocity physical coordinates dx(0)
dx0 = 2×1
0 0
dr0 = S\dx0 % do it similarly
dr0 = 2×1
0 0
% successfully decouple the physical equations of vibration into two separate modal equations
syms r1(t) r2(t)
eqn1 = diff(r1,t,2) == - (w1^2)*r1 + Fr(1); % r1" + W(1)*r1 = Fr(1), modal equation 1
eqn2 = diff(r2,t,2) == - (w2^2)*r2 + Fr(2); % r2" + W(2)*r2 = Fr(2), modal equation 2
Dr1 = diff(r1,t);
Dr2 = diff(r2,t);
cond = [r1(0)==r0(1), Dr1(0)==dr0(1), r2(0)==r0(2), Dr2(0)==dr0(2)];
eqns = [eqn1, eqn2];
[r1m(t), r2m(t)] = dsolve(eqns, cond) % solve the modal equations to obtain the modal responses
r1m(t) = 
r2m(t) = 
x1 = S(1,1)*r1m + S(1,2)*r2m % Transforming back into the physical coordinates, x = S*r (Superposition principle)
x1(t) = 
x2 = S(2,1)*r1m + S(2,2)*r2m
x2(t) = 
fplot(x1, [0 20], 'r')
hold on
fplot(x2, [0 20], 'b')
hold off
grid on
title('Forced Response')
legend('x_{1}(t)', 'x_{2}(t)')
The system responses using the Modal Analysis approach is the same as the results from the numerical solution using ode45().

More Answers (2)

Torsten on 20 Jun 2022
First multiply by
M^(-1) = [1/(3*m) 0; 0 1/m]

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 20 Jun 2022
Maybe like this?
function v = dxdt(t, x)
m = 1;
k = 5;
f = 10;
M = [3*m 0; 0 m]; % mass matrix
K = [2*k -k; -k k]; % stiffness matrix
F = [0; f]; % force input matrix
n = size(M, 1);
A = [zeros(n) eye(n); -M\K zeros(n)]; % state matrix
b = M\F;
B = [zeros(n, 1); b]; % input matrix
v = A*x + B; % state-space
xo = [0; 0; 0; 0]; % initial condition
tspan = [0 20]; % simulation time
[t, x] = ode45(@dxdt, tspan, xo);
plot(t, [x(:,1) x(:,2)], 'linewidth', 1.5)
grid on
title('Forced Response')
legend('x_{1}(t)', 'x_{2}(t)')

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