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Area between the peak of the signal

2 views (last 30 days)
Anyone know how to calculate for the area of torque between the peak (triangle label) of the signal?
Can anyone please help me?
Thank you.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Jun 2022
How did you identify those specific peaks?
I am having problems reproducing that with findpeaks.
Yew Jen Chong
Yew Jen Chong on 18 Jun 2022
Hi, since the time in x-axis increase constantly, therefore the time in the second row will be selected to convert into frequency as the first row is zero. The frequency will be used in the findpeaks with minimum peak distance, minimum peak prominence, and minimum peak height is included to produce the graph above.
The code below is for producing the graph
The code below is for storing information
[pksRT_after,locsRT_after] = findpeaks(cm.Torque_Nm_,Fs,'MinPeakDistance',0.016,'MinPeakProminence',5,'MinPeakHeight',6);
I hope I answer your question

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 Jun 2022
I had to tweak the code slightly to get the result I needed for the ‘areav’ and ‘absareav’ calculations.
Try this —
% opts = weboptions('ContentType','text');
% W = webread('', opts)
T1 = readtable('', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve');
t = T1.('Time [s]');
Fs = 1/t(2);
Torque = T1.('Torque [Nm]');
env = envelope(Torque, 100, 'peak');
Lv = env >= 5;
LastIdx = find(Lv,1,'last');
[pksRT_after,locsRT_after] = findpeaks(Torque,'MinPeakDistance',100,'MinPeakProminence',20,'MinPeakHeight',6);
locsRT_afterv = [locsRT_after; LastIdx];
for k = 1:numel(locsRT_afterv)-1
idxrng = locsRT_afterv(k) : locsRT_afterv(k+1);
t_midrng(k) = median(t(idxrng)); % Used In 'text' Call
areav(k) = trapz(t(idxrng),Torque(idxrng)); % Area
absareav(k) = trapz(t(idxrng),abs(Torque(idxrng))); % Absolute Area
% buffer(areav,10)
% buffer(absareav,10)
plot(t(Lv), Torque(Lv))
hold on
plot(t(locsRT_after), pksRT_after, '^r')
% plot(t, env, '-r')
hold off
text(t_midrng, pksRT_after/2, compose(' \\leftarrow Area = %.4f',areav), 'Horiz','left', 'Vert','middle', 'Rotation',90, 'FontSize',9)
The loop uses trapz to calculate the areas between the locations denoted by the red triangles. The code then plots and labels them. (It uses the envelope function to define the area of interest in the signal for the plot.)

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