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calculate the Γ matrix in MATLAB from Φ Matrix - State space equation

7 views (last 30 days)
Could you please advise me if there is a function to calculate the Γ matrix in MATLAB from Φ Matrix?
Paul on 9 Jun 2022
So the goal is to compute phi and gamma from A and B?
Why is phi computed twice in the same way in the code above, but the code doesn't compute gamma.
Is a symbolic solution desired? Or a numerical solution for a specified value of the sampling period, T?
Rajesh Kanesan
Rajesh Kanesan on 9 Jun 2022
Thanks for your response . Symbolic should be sufficient with the T .

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Accepted Answer

Paul on 10 Jun 2022
Let's see what we have so far:
A = [0 1; -1 -1];
b = [0;1];
I = eye(2);
syms s;
LaplaceTransitionMatrix = (s*I-A)^-1
LaplaceTransitionMatrix = 
phi = ilaplace(LaplaceTransitionMatrix)
phi = 
Note that phi is a function of t, because that's the default variable for ilaplace(). But we can replace that with T
syms t T
phi = subs(phi,t,T)
phi = 
Now that we have phi, do you have a formula for gamma? If so, the code you're trying to use to implement that formula.
Rajesh Kanesan
Rajesh Kanesan on 10 Jun 2022
Thanks Paul , that was for the different Matirx . I simulated the system as below in MATLAB for that question . I wasn't able to validate the Gamma matrix in the MatLab to verify my calculation.
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Assignment 3 - Question 3 Matlab Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% File Name : Assignment1.m
%% Authors Name : Rajesh Kanesan, from MEPR, USQ
%% Email Address :
%% Environment : Matlab R2015b
%% Log of Change : 2022 S1, Initial Version
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Simulation of the discrete system in state space equations
% State Vector: X(k+1) = Phi*X(k) + Gamma*u(k);
% | | |
% current previous previous
% system output: y(k) = C*X(k);
clear all;
T = 0.1;
a = (-0.017*exp(-100*T)+1.017*exp(-1.71*T));
b = (-0.010*exp(-100*T)+0.010*exp(-1.71*T));
c = (1.734*exp(-100*T)-1.734*exp(-1.71*T));
d = (1.017*exp(-100*T)-0.017*exp(-1.71*T));
e = [0.0001*exp(-100*T)-0.0058*exp(-1.71*T)+0.0057];
f = [-0.0102*exp(-100*T)+0.0099*exp(-1.71*T)+0.0002];
Phi = [a b;c d]; %Plant Matrix
Gamma = [e;f]; %Driving Matrix
C = [20.83 0]; %Connection Matrix
UnitInputs = ones(1,100); %100 Unit Step Inputs
Outputs = zeros(1,100); %100 Corresponding Outputs
StateVectorX = cell(1,100); %100 Corresponding State Vector
for index = 1:100
if index == 1 % Inital start without previous information
StateVectorX{1,index} = [0;0];
Outputs(1,index) = C*StateVectorX{1,index};
StateVectorX{1,index} = Phi*StateVectorX{1,index-1}+Gamma*UnitInputs(1,index-1);
Outputs(1,index) = C*StateVectorX{1,index};
plot([0:99],Outputs,'.-b');% plot output
grid on;
title('Simulation of the Discrete System - Question 3'); % plot title
legend(['T Value = ',num2str(T)]); % plot legend
xlabel('t steps'), ylabel('Output y(k)'); % plot axis labels
Paul on 10 Jun 2022
Edited: Paul on 11 Jun 2022
Ok. Let's see how we can solve the problem a couple of ways in Matlab
A = [0 1; -1 -1];
B = [0;1];
I = eye(2);
syms s
LaplaceTransitionMatrix = (s*I-A)^-1;
phi = ilaplace(LaplaceTransitionMatrix);
syms t T
phi = subs(phi,t,T);
Compute gamma via its defining integral
syms tau
gamma1 = simplify(int(subs(phi,T,tau)*B,tau,0,T))
gamma1 = 
With A invertible, compute gamma via the very cool equation provide by @Sam Chak
gamma2 = simplify(A\(phi - I)*B)
gamma2 = 
We can also compute phi and gamma simultaneously
temp = expm([A*T B*T;zeros(1,3)]);
phi3 = simplify(rewrite(temp(1:2,1:2),'sincos'),100)
phi3 = 
gamma3 = simplify(expand(rewrite(temp(1:2,3),'sincos')),100,'Criterion','PreferReal')
gamma3 = 
I don't know why it's so difficult to get gamma3 into simpler form, but it is the same as gamma2
simplify(gamma3 - gamma2)
ans = 
Get the numerical representation assuming a sampling period of T = 0.1
ans = 
ans = 
Show that phi and gamma can be computed numerically.
First approach
T = 0.1;
phi = expm(A*T)
phi = 2×2
0.9952 0.0950 -0.0950 0.9002
gamma1 = integral(@(tau) (expm(A*tau)*B),0,T,'ArrayValued',true)
gamma1 = 2×1
0.0048 0.0950
gamma2 = A\(phi - eye(2))*B
gamma2 = 2×1
0.0048 0.0950
temp = expm([A*T B*T;zeros(1,3)]);
phi3 = temp(1:2,1:2)
phi3 = 2×2
0.9952 0.0950 -0.0950 0.9002
gamma3 = temp(1:2,3)
gamma3 = 2×1
0.0048 0.0950

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More Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 10 Jun 2022
Thanks for showing your calculation of the Gamma or Γ, I see now... Given the matrices and , you want to go from the continuous-time
to the discrete-time
where , to obtain
in terms of the sampling period T.
Since , and
if what I think about what you want is correct, then you may use this:
syms T
A = [0 1; -1 -1]
B = [0; 1]
Ad = expm(A*T)
Bd = A\(Ad - eye(size(A)))*B
Ad = simplify(Ad)
Bd = simplify(Bd)
You can check with @Paul if this approach can be admitted or not.
Paul on 11 Jun 2022
At the risk of stating the obvious, need to enusre that A is invertible before using this equation in Matlab.
Also, something changed between 2022a and 2021b.
Running here on Answers with 2022a with A singular:
A = [1 1;0 0];
syms T
Warning: Solution does not exist because the system is inconsistent.
ans = 
But when I run this same problem on my local installation of 2021b I get
>> A = [1 1; 0 0];
>> syms T
>> A\(expm(A*T) - eye(2))
Warning: Solution is not unique because the system is rank-deficient.
> In symengine
In sym/privBinaryOp (line 1136)
In \ (line 497)
ans =
[exp(T) - 1, exp(T) - 1]
[ 0, 0]
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 11 Jun 2022
Thanks @Paul for highlighting it. The formula only works if the matrix is non-singular.

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