Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Selecting rows periodically from csv data file.

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a table of data as csv file. I want to pick every 10th row and discard all other rows. How can this be done in Matlab? I do not have access to function tableControl.

Answers (1)

Voss on 23 May 2022
You can read the whole thing using, for instance, readtable
t = readtable('test.csv');
or readmatrix
M = readmatrix('test.csv');
and then use indexing along the rows to keep just the rows you want:
t_keep = t(1:10:end,:) % perhaps keep every 10 rows, starting with row 1
t_keep = 3×1 table
Var1 ____ 1 11 21
t_keep = t(10:10:end,:) % or perhaps keep every 10 rows, starting with row 10
t_keep = 2×1 table
Var1 ____ 10 20
M_keep = M(1:10:end,:) % perhaps keep every 10 rows, starting with row 1
M_keep = 3×1
1 11 21
M_keep = M(10:10:end,:) % or perhaps keep every 10 rows, starting with row 10
M_keep = 2×1
10 20


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