I don't understand the condition from FOR row 16 to row 26

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syms x y z lambda
dist = x.^2+(y-1).^2+z.^2; % distance of an abitary point (x,y,z) from the point(0,1,0)
S = z.^2-(x.*y)-1 == 0; % surface constraint z^2 = xy+1 ------> z^2-xy-1 == 0
L = dist + lambda * lhs(S); % Langrange function
dL_dx = diff(L,x) == 0; % derivative of L with respect to x
dL_dy = diff(L,y) == 0; % derivative of L with respect to y
dL_dz = diff(L,z) == 0; % derivative of L with respect to z
dL_dlambda = diff(L,lambda) == 0; % derivative of L with respect to lambda
system = [dL_dx; dL_dy; dL_dz; dL_dlambda]; % build the system of equations
[x_val, y_val, z_val,lambda_val] = solve(system, [x y z lambda], 'Real', true); % solve the system of equations and display the results
results_numeric = double([x_val, y_val, z_val]); % show results in a vector of data type double
[rows columns]=size(results_numeric); % getting number of rows and columns
fprintf('points on the surface S that are closest to the point (0, 1, 0) are :\n');
fprintf(' x y z\n');
for i=1:rows
for j=1:columns
if j < columns
fprintf("%.4f , ",results_numeric(i,j));

Answers (1)

David Hill
David Hill on 19 May 2022
Edited: David Hill on 19 May 2022
The whole nested for-loop is just used to display results_numeric. If you don't care about displaying, you can delete the whole thing.
results_numeric%contains all the information within the matrix

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