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Vectors must be the same length

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Frederik Reese
Frederik Reese on 12 May 2022
Answered: KSSV on 12 May 2022
Hi, i have following code with an error: Vectors must be the same length, but i think they are all 143x10498 double.
clear all
clear workspace
C = table2array(ModellDL1WSPL);
CC = split(C,[" ",", "]); % double delimiters split
% CC(1:10,1:10) % show first 10 columns of first 10 rows
% ans = 10×10 string array
Z = CCC([287:429],[5:2:20999]);
HQ5000 = CCC([1:143],[5:2:20999]);
HQextrem = CCC([430:572],[5:2:20999]);
HQ10000 = CCC([144:286],[5:2:20999]);
Distanz= CCC([1:143],[4:2:20999]);
for i=1:143
if rem(i-1, 5) == 0;
f = figure;
sgtitle('WSPL zeitlicher Verlauf Modell D Teil 1');
a(i)=subplot(5, 1, rem(i-1, 5)+1);
hold on;
% [maxHQextrem,indexHQextrem]=max(Hoehe_HQextrem(:,i)- Hoehe_Z(:,i));
% [maxHQ5000,indexHQ5000]=max(Hoehe_HQ5000(:,i)- Hoehe_Z(:,i));
% [maxHQ10000,indexHQ10000]=max(Hoehe_HQ10000(:,i)- Hoehe_Z(:,i));
%str = ['Maximaler Überlauf [m]: HQextrem ',num2str(maxHQextrem),' HQ5000 ',num2str(maxHQ5000),' HQ10000 ',num2str(maxHQ10000)];
%b(i) = annotation('textbox','String',str,'Position',a(i).Position,'Vert','bottom','FitBoxToText','on');
hold on
% annotation('textbox', 'String',str)
p1=plot (Distanz(i,:) , [Z(i,:), HQextrem(i,:), HQ5000(i,:), HQ10000(i,:)]);
title(['Zeit [h] ', num2str(i)]);
grid on
% xline(indexHQextrem,'-','Maximum','LabelOrientation','horizontal')
% xline(indexHQ5000)
% xline(indexHQ10000)
leg=legend(p1,{'Geländehöhe','HQextrem','HQ5000', 'HQ10000'});
newcolors = {'#000000','#7E2F8E','#0000FF','#00FFFF'};
xlabel('FKM [km]');
ylabel('Höhe über NN [m]');
xticks([770.62 1538.58 2598.14 3716.89 4674.76 5588.47 6625.1 7535.71 8508.76 9476.3 9562.62])
xticklabels({'126','125','124','123','122','121','120', '119', '118', '117', '116'})
% if rem(i-1, 5) == 4
% %saveas(f,sprintf('hours_%d.png',i));
% saveas(f,sprintf('DOK_Links_Arc1_hours_%d.fig',i));
% end
Thanks a lot for your time
KSSV on 12 May 2022
Which line you are getting error? We don't have data to chek your code.
Frederik Reese
Frederik Reese on 12 May 2022
In this line:
%p1=plot (Distanz(i,:) , [Z(i,:), HQextrem(i,:), HQ5000(i,:), HQ10000(i,:)]);
If I plot it like this than there is no error:
plot (Distanz(i,:) , Z(i,:))
p1=plot (Distanz(i,:) , HQextrem(i,:))
p1=plot (Distanz(i,:) , HQ5000(i,:))
p1=plot (Distanz(i,:) , HQ10000(i,:))

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 12 May 2022
p1=plot (Distanz(i,:) , [Z(i,:) ; HQextrem(i,:); HQ5000(i,:); HQ10000(i,:)]);

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