How to code expressions involving integral of lognormal and uniform distributions?
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I am coding some equations which involve lognormal and uniform variables. For instance, I have the following expression (let's call it first expression):

and then another expression (let's call this one second expression):

You will notice expression (2) is just expression (1) under double integral. Here,
are log-normally distributed, that is
, respectively. Further,
follows a uniform distribution, i.e.,
(it's a product of the two lognormal variables). In the second expression, the first expression is first integrated with respect to
which follows a uniform distribution and then it's integrated a second time with respect to z which follows a lognormal distribution.

I am struggling to figure out how to code them correctly. I will be most grateful for any help. Can I code them like this?
SB = (1 - logncdf*(xbar(+1)/z(+1)))*(xbar(+1)/z(+1)) + lognpdf(epsilon)% I don't
% know how to handle the limits of the integral in the second term.
SBtilde = lognpdf(unipdf(SB, a, sigmabar))% again I don't know how to
% handle the integral limits in the outer integral. And can unipdf have
% a variable as an uppper integral limit that I could compute sometime before
% running this line of code?
If this will not work, is there something else I can do? Can I use an external function file? I thought about writing an external function file but then I reached my wit's end thinking about how to handle these integral limits and multiple integrals.
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 1 May 2022
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